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Ralph Klein Pub Crawl

By Kris Kotarski

It is strange that the third annual Ralph Klein Pub Crawl coincides with our Premier’s third term in office. Three is a wacky number, and King Ralph is a wacky character. It seems like he bought his good fortune over-the-counter; kept the planets aligned with a strange mixture of sorcery, alchemy and booze. Sometimes, it… Continue reading Ralph Klein Pub Crawl

Bringing the world to you

By Tami Hutchinson

It finally happened–NUTV flipped!Flipped the power on closed circuit television, that is. On Thu., April 4, the New University Television Society officially unveiled the campus-wide closed circuit television system to staff and students in the MacEwan Student Centre food court. The project is the culmination of 10 years of planning and designing."This project was originally… Continue reading Bringing the world to you

An angry tirade from the Chief

By Michael Leung

This is no goodbye note. This is a lashing out–essentially a giant fuck you.Yep, that’s right, your 2001/02 Gauntlet Editor-in-Chief has nothing to say to everybody else out there and will reserve this space for a message to his staff: Take your wussie-shit sunshine goodbye sentiments and shove ’em. This year has been perfectly atrocious… Continue reading An angry tirade from the Chief

Track and Field

By Sean Nyilassy

Talent: A-From sprinters to throwers, distance runners to jumpers, the 2001/02 chapter of Dinos track and field proved to the country that they can trade punches with anyone. Be it Canada West Athlete of the Year Samantha Anderson who placed second-and should’ve won the whole damn thing-in the CIS pentathlon, or Darren Clarke who played… Continue reading Track and Field

Pablo, honey?

By Gunner Calhoon

The Gauntlet Tier 2 elections took place Wed., March 20. As per usual, there was a hand grenade thrown square at the crotch of democracy."None of the races were even contested," said an obviously drunk Editor-in-Chief-elect Kris Kotarski, who swept to victory two weeks before. "These bastards didn’t even have to campaign.""What are we, the… Continue reading Pablo, honey?

Re: “Puppets from down under,” March 7, 2002,

By Laura Zajchowski

Editor, the Gauntlet,Re: "Puppets from down under," March 7, 2002,I was disgusted by the display of full-frontal nudity on the front page of the March 7 issue of Gauntlet. There is a reason why these areas are also referred to as the "private parts." That is because most people, including myself, don’t want to see… Continue reading Re: “Puppets from down under,” March 7, 2002,

Letter Re: “Parading idiots and babbling fools,”

By Duncan Embry

Editor, the Gauntlet,Re: "Parading idiots and babbling fools," Jan. 31, 2002,It’s hard to believe that in a society that has struggled to maintain equality among the sexes, there are still individuals who are working hard to undermine their gender. The simplicity and flagrant generalizations that run rampant though this article prove that not all university… Continue reading Letter Re: “Parading idiots and babbling fools,”

SU commissioners’ renumeration

By Robbie White

Editor, the Gauntlet,Re: "When a ‘thank you’ isn’t enough," Jan. 24, 2002,Recently some of my fellow commissioners expressed concern about our remuneration process. This bothers me, I feel our time should be focused more towards student concerns. Mr. Vuckovic thinks the general feeling among commissioners is that this process needs to be reformed. I do… Continue reading SU commissioners’ renumeration