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Harvey writes to students, they write back

[Ed. Note: The following letter was sent to all University of Calgary students to the e-mail addresses listed at the Registrar’s Office. As some students did not receive the letter, the Gauntlet has reprinted it without revision.] Students, Many of you have seen or heard media reports this week about the University of Calgary’s placing… Continue reading Harvey writes to students, they write back

History from the tip of a paintbrush

By Natalie Sit

Sir Max Aitken, also known as Lord Beaverbrook, founded the war art program in 1916 after the gas attack in Ypres. There were no cameras present to record the horrific event, so Aitken commissioned a painting to remember what happened. There was also the belief that photographs would eventually disintegrate, leaving very little behind to… Continue reading History from the tip of a paintbrush

SU can’t win

By Travis Coates

Editor, the Gauntlet,Re: Students’ Union Dear Students’ Union,As an average University of Calgary student to whom you are responsible, I want to tell you that it’s high time you got your act together!When I first came to the U of C, I thought the SU was simply doing the best it could in a difficult… Continue reading SU can’t win

SU fails with Den behaviour

By Greg Ellis

Editor, the Gauntlet,Re: The Students’ Union I believe it is truly unfortunate that you can’t pack 1,000 stressed, ego-driven, individuals into a small space and add alcohol into the equation and not get utopia. I find it bordering on folly whenever some overly concerned Students’ Union or other university representative expresses their “deep concern” over… Continue reading SU fails with Den behaviour

The president: one year later

By Nicole Kobie

Not many people like being stopped in the halls and food courts, especially to have their work questioned or criticized. However, if you see University of Calgary President Harvey Weingarten in line for a burger, eating his lunch or walking through the plus-15, don’t hesitate to stop him—-he’d love to hear what you think.Thanks not… Continue reading The president: one year later

Of beer, and pop, and choice

By Holger H. Herwig

In a recent edition of the Calgary Herald, Sara MacIntyre, a graduate student in Political Science, complained bitterly that upon arriving from Western Ontario she discovered that she could not enjoy a Big Rock beer at the Den on campus. No Traditional, no Grasshöpper, no Warthog. Why? Because the Students’ Union executive banned Big Rock… Continue reading Of beer, and pop, and choice

Survey says: I smell frosh

Everyone grab a pen and paper. Whether you’re a fifth-year General Studies “student” or a frosh you must take this survey to assert your humanity in all its glory.1. Wearing your high school football jacket at the U of C is considered:a. heoricb. somewhat suavec. asinine2. You can find Pepsi everywhere on campus because:a. it… Continue reading Survey says: I smell frosh

Looking at porn

By Nicole Kobie

Odds are, you will use a computer while on campus. Regardless of why you need to use university computers, you’re taking up space. Understandably, there are more people than computers on campus. Stupidly, everyone on campus wants to use them at the same time. This leads to lineups, a regular phenomenon at the major labs–the… Continue reading Looking at porn

Spurs and Suds

By Mike Attersall

OK. It’s Thursday night, always a good night to party at the Den, but for some reason you and your buddies decide not to go there. Instead, western bars are catching your eye. So here are three places we checked out that you may want to as well: Outlaws, Coyotes and Cowboys. Outlaws7400 Macleod Tr.… Continue reading Spurs and Suds