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Feminists still needed in today’s society

By Karoline Kemp

Editor, the Gauntlet, Re: "Women’s centre not necessary," Oct. 9, 2003, The campaign for the women’s centre is predicated on many facts–none of which include a need to "keep up appearances." While the posters around the university may say "most other Canadian universities offer a women’s centre–why don’t we?" they are meant merely to make… Continue reading Feminists still needed in today’s society

Muslims waiting for prayer space

By Natalie Sit

The Muslim Students’ Association is filing a human rights complaint against the University of Calgary because the university has failed to provide a prayer space. The U of C club is filing with the Alberta Human Rights Commission under the Alberta Human Rights Code. According to MSA President Mubashir Iqbal, universities and other institutions must,… Continue reading Muslims waiting for prayer space

Get Farked!

By Вen Li

"Any interest in a Calgary (Alberta, Canada) Fark Party? Come for the Beef, stay for the Fark."– twotontim on Fark.com, September 14, 2003 As one of the few participatory Internet sites that survived both the dot-com bust and the economic turmoil blamed on terrorism, Fark.com has been staple for oddball news junkies (well, junkies of… Continue reading Get Farked!

A world-class university is…

By Leyah Karlsson

Editor, the Gauntlet,Re: “Calgary nowhere near world class,” Sept. 4, 2003,I would like to respond to Kristopher Foster’s Sept. 4 letter regarding the qualities of a world class city by extending some of his criteria to the University of Calgary.What is a world-class university? A world-class university is one with a broad vision: to acknowledge… Continue reading A world-class university is…

Creating responsible ads (long version)

By Jeff Craig

Below is the original letter as submitted.-ed From: “jfry craig (toque)” To: “‘The Gauntlet’” Subject: RE: Gauntlet Letter Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2003 12:00:38 -0600 Organization: toqueboy studios Victor & Lawrence Attached is a short version of the letter 530 words, and the long version of the letter ~1200 words. I will allow the short… Continue reading Creating responsible ads (long version)

SU General Election report

By Patrick Boyle

The Students’ Union’s Chief Returning Officer delivered a post-mortem speech to members of the Students’ Legislative Council on Tue., Mar 18. In his discourse, aptly titled “Democracy is not a Spectator Sport”, CRO Shuv Majumdar reflected on the election and offered both words of advice and words of warning to the campus politicians, especially those… Continue reading SU General Election report

Reading too far into advertising

By Laura Schultz

Editor, the Gauntlet,Re: “Parting Shots,” Dec. 5, 2002. I believe that James Keller misrepresented the intentions of the Students’ Union and their fight against differential tuition. Granted that the images selected by the SU and their staff may raise some questions, but the spirit behind them is clearly not misguided as your article may suggest.… Continue reading Reading too far into advertising

Wrestlers dish out the pain

By Kris Kotarski

Every setting needs a class clown. From lecture halls to boardrooms, there is always a need for someone to lighten up the atmosphere; to make people laugh out loud.In the University of Calgary athletic community, that role is performed by the men’s wrestling team. For example, several members of the team have joined the fledgeling… Continue reading Wrestlers dish out the pain