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NUTV not unneccessary

By Greg Clayton

Editor, the Gauntlet, While Patti Dawkins and other NUTVers seem shocked and dismayed that I would have the nerve to present suggestions on behalf of students to the NUTV Board, I suggest students should only be shocked and concerned if I did not become involved in setting the strategic direction and providing suggestions for NUTV.… Continue reading NUTV not unneccessary

NUTV in dire straights

By Darlene Seto

Hostility is brewing between the Students’ Union and the University of Calgary’s television station, NUTV. Last week, a critical letter from the SU was sent to the executive director of NUTV, Kevin Allen, questioning the station’s focus and direction. The letter declared that NUTV “to a large degree disregards its student constituency” and has an… Continue reading NUTV in dire straights

Tuition, Budget Cuts, Fee increases… and all that other Bull-$#@!

By Bryan West

With another round of maximum tuition hikes on the way, combined with the latest news of university-wide budget cuts, undergrads should be feeling in a fairly un-agreeable mood as of late. I mean honestly, sometimes it’s all enough to make you want to slam your hand in a waffle iron. Why-oh-why does it seem that… Continue reading Tuition, Budget Cuts, Fee increases… and all that other Bull-$#@!

Budget Cuts

By Harvey P. Weingarten

Editor, the Gauntlet,Re: “$60 million cut,” Oct. 21, 2004,Thank you for inviting me to comment on this year’s budget process. I’ll use the opportunity to share some of my comments in a recent update to faculty and staff, and add what I think is a critical perspective on the university’s priorities-namely students. First, I think… Continue reading Budget Cuts

Suzuki still going strong after 50 years

By Chris Beauchamp

World-renowned author, activist, award-winning geneticist and broadcaster Dr. David Suzuki was in town this week attending the Green Party National Convention at Camp Kiwanis, east of Calgary. Dr. Suzuki delivered the keynote speech to the convention on Sun., Aug. 26, in which he addressed environmental issues and expressed his hope and belief that in the… Continue reading Suzuki still going strong after 50 years

CRO makes deadline on election report

By Dale Miller

The largest Students’ Union election in recent memory should be over by now, but it isn’t. Chief Returning Officer Shuvaloy Majumdar’s election report was delivered one day before deadline to an emergency Students’ Legislative Council meeting convened for that purpose on Sun., Mar. 14. Majumdar had 20 SU business days to report but was delayed… Continue reading CRO makes deadline on election report

Guide to workouts stereotypes

By Julian Aiuto

Editor, the Gauntlet,Re: "The Gauntlet guide to workouts," Jan. 22, 2004,Shame on the Gauntlet editorial staff for their disgusting display of stereotypes. In this pathetic attempt of humor, numerous prejudices and stereotypes of the Italian male are exhibited.The fictitious author is presented to the audience as blatantly cocky, sexist, obnoxious and narcissist. Portrayed as having… Continue reading Guide to workouts stereotypes

A closer look

By Michael Jankovic

Three weeks ago, I penned a column for the Gauntlet suggesting feminists need to stop pursuing petty projects here in Canada and export feminism to the rest of the world, where it is desperately needed. The part of the article that caught the attention of a lot of readers was the opinion that a women’s… Continue reading A closer look

Addressing a need

By Melissa Scaman

Editor, the Gauntlet,Re: "Women’s centre not necessary," Oct. 9, 2003,There needs to be clarification on the role and necessity of a women’s centre on campus. Such a centre would provide a needed service, acting as a childcare contact point for student parents. Students would provide a listing of their classes, and the centre could contact… Continue reading Addressing a need