We found 66 results for your search.

Differential tuition

By Barb Wright

Editor, the Gauntlet,Re: "Paying for guinea pigs," Jan. 17, 2002,Does anyone really believe that tuition for Humanities or Social Sciences would go down if Medicine, Management and Engineering students were charged more for their courses? I assure you that the best case scenario for students in less costly programs would be smaller increases, but that… Continue reading Differential tuition

Why MacEwan Hall took so damn long to build

By Barb Wright

If you check the weather channel you will discover that hell has not, in fact, frozen over. But lo and behold on Wed., Jan. 23, MacEwan Hall opened. It is a saga that has seen six Students’ Union executives, three university Presidents, and more frustrated Gauntlet writers than you can fit into the Den. What… Continue reading Why MacEwan Hall took so damn long to build

Another year, another tuition increase

By Barb Wright

Got an extra $145 bucks stashed away? Don’t blow it on excessive holiday spending just yet–university administration is laying claim to your chequebook early this year.That’s right, another year, another proposed increase. If university administration gets their way, your tuition will increase by 3.7 per cent again next year. This increase will be proposed to… Continue reading Another year, another tuition increase


By Ruth Davenport

Tuition consultation has almost come and gone and University of Calgary student representatives are disappointed with both the process and the outcome. "I would say the atmosphere surrounding tuition consultation has been fairly friendly," said Students’ Union President Barb Wright. "But I would have to say it hasn’t exactly been effective." Each year, three representatives… Continue reading TUITION TIME AGAIN!

The little commission that was?

By Andrea Bundon

Two Students’ Union commissioners have decided the president needs a little help and they are just the people for the job. The University of Calgary Students’ Legislative Council includes the executive members and several elected commissioners. However, the president has no commissioners, and SU President Barb Wright maintains that is currently the case. "I don’t… Continue reading The little commission that was?

Students Union pushes for no tuition increase

By Barb Wright

Tuition consultation is something that happens every year between the Students’ Union and university administration. The purpose of consultation is to make both sides aware of pressures students and the university face in terms of tuition. There is also a loosely stated goal of coming to agreement on an acceptable level of tuition increase to… Continue reading Students Union pushes for no tuition increase

Let them eat swordfish quijo

By Roger Hollands

University of Calgary clubs can now eat cake, monster eggplants or whatever else their hearts desire. On July 31 the Students’ Legislative Council passed a resolution that legislated existing procedures for the selection of club events caterers. "There isn’t a major change here," said Students’ Union president Barb Wright. "This resolution was more a commitment… Continue reading Let them eat swordfish quijo

How to get some free money

By Barb Wright

On Fri. June 15, students will be rushing to the university’s Awards and Financial Aid office to hand in their applications for undergraduate student awards. There are hundreds of awards waiting for all different types of students–this translates into free money for those who qualify.However, that grade point average boost you’re expecting from this spring… Continue reading How to get some free money

You suck, continued: One candidate’s response

By Ryan Yau

Editors, the Gauntlet, Re: Gauntlet Endorsement Supplement, March 8 & 15, 2001 I would first like to congratulate Barb Wright on being elected Students’ Union President. However, her success relied heavily upon the Gauntlet’s endorsement. An endorsement from the Gauntlet’s arrogant expert panel rockets one’s chance of victory. Not surprisingly, every single Gauntlet-endorsed candidate won… Continue reading You suck, continued: One candidate’s response