We found 103 results for your search.

Spotlight: A whole lot of Patton, the funny kind

By Jeff Kubik

It’s good to know there are people able to ask life’s tough questions, to consider probing insights left untouched by a timid public. How has our society, for instance, allowed testicle shaving to wax into the mundane? Are midgets really optimal for the making of Sleepy Time tea? And, of course, what would happen if… Continue reading Spotlight: A whole lot of Patton, the funny kind

Patton Oswalt

By Jeff Kubik

Making with the funny isn’t an easy task. Sure, we’d all love to be the next Tim Allen, spewing inane recycled bits driven straight out of the hackneyed ’80s, while snorting clouds of sweet cocaine, but who has the cajones to reach out and grab audiences until tears form?God bless you Patton Oswalt, you’re a… Continue reading Patton Oswalt

An All Night Girl

By Jeff Kubik

All I want is an all night kind of girl. You know the kind I mean?” His words came too quickly for me to respond, flowing easily one on top of the other. There was an easy rhythm in it, perfect control that sliced through the thick haze of alcohol. That he was standing at… Continue reading An All Night Girl

The Ship sails another day

By Jeff Kubik

There are some bars bound to remain legendary in any city’s nightlife. They’re large and they’re popular, the kind of place where you’re bound to run into any number of long-lost friends and regular drinking buddies on any given night. In Calgary, if straight-up nightclubs aren’t your scene, you’re eventually bound for the Ship and… Continue reading The Ship sails another day

It came from the back alley

By Jeff Kubik

They’re always loud, that’s a certainty. Certain too are the random flashing lights in scattered sections throughout the bar, shining on glistening skin covered in sweat and spilled alcohol. They’re built for dancing, drinking and sex and don’t make any pretensions about being anything else. So huzzah for the capital “C” Club, huzzah for the… Continue reading It came from the back alley

Zatoichi does not disappoint

By Jeff Kubik

By Jeff Kubik

There are more than a few ways to make a samurai movie. Given the range of ways a man can be dismembered alone, the diversity of executions and choreographed swordplay is boggling. And yet, in many ways, they remain largely the same movie–good finally triumphs over evil, as katana meets juicy, graphic flesh. Thankfully, it… Continue reading Zatoichi does not disappoint

Mango could use more juice

By Jeff Kubik

Alright kids, here’s irony for you. Imagine a film exploring the concept of sexual role playing, characters struggling with roles imposed by society and the uneasy balance strike as they refuse and redefine them. Now imagine this same film is so deeply mired in cliche, its characters so one-dimensional, that it defies the most formulaic… Continue reading Mango could use more juice

Better than a rimjob

By Jeff Kubik

You’re a pervert. You think you’ve been able to conceal it, hidden beneath that good job and those carefully chosen words, but it’s on display as bare as a rental case. Every filthy thought you’ve ever had is written plainly on your forehead, synopsised obscenity. You’re a good person. You’ve made mistakes, but we all… Continue reading Better than a rimjob

Brave film out of the closet

By Jeff Kubik

While North America grapples with the prospect of institutionalized gay marriage and activists and disparate conservative groups continue battle among themselves, the rest of the world continues to deal with homosexuality and transgender issues. Though we in the West often lose sight of the larger populace, the governments of the developing world clash every day… Continue reading Brave film out of the closet