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Share your computer, not your cold

By Вen Li

A cure for cancer could come from your computer, according to United Devices–a company that organizes idling computers to do useful work. "[The program] allows your computer to screen molecules that may be developed into drugs to fight cancer. Each individual computer analyzes a few molecules and then sends the results back over the Internet… Continue reading Share your computer, not your cold

Only you can prevent computer virus infections

By Вen Li

University is generally thought of as a place of higher learning, enlightenment, and sharing. Unfortunately, that sharing can include computer viruses that come along for the ride when students share files and disks and the latest annoying Flash e-mail forward. Even though antivirus software is installed on most computers on campus, viruses have briefly gone… Continue reading Only you can prevent computer virus infections

Emerging democracies more representative than our farcical system

By Вen Li

Democracy sucks. As much as we would like to believe otherwise, the “democratic” system practised today in Canada and just about every other Western nation is simply feudalism in a nicer package. To see this clearly, some introspection is necessary.Canada is ruled by Emperor Chrétien. Through his 13 great barons and his royal court of… Continue reading Emerging democracies more representative than our farcical system


By Вen Li

Call them the Boris and Natasha of cyberspace. Two notorious computer viruses accosted University of Calgary computers last week. While the CodeRed worm tried and largely failed to infect web servers running Microsoft’s Internet Information Services server software, over 600 copies of the SirCam e-mail virus were sent and received per hour at the height… Continue reading CYBERWORMS AND VIRUSES, OH MY

Writing new Fairy Tales

By Вen Li

Don’t confuse Fairy Tales 3 with Snow White. Now in its third year, Calgary’s queer film and video festival is presenting works of relevance to the homosexual community, among others. "There is a hunger in the community to see an accurate portrayal of queer characters in films," says festival chair Trevor Alberts. "We’re interested in… Continue reading Writing new Fairy Tales

The guts of punk

By Вen Li

Despite recovering from a night of karaoke to songs by James Brown, Cyndi Lauper and Sammy Davis Jr., vocalist Mark Atkins says he and his band Guttermouth are happily on the road again in this year’s Punk-O-Rama tour. "We’ve been touring for almost a month now in the US," says Atkins over the phone. "Almost… Continue reading The guts of punk

Criminal mayhem

By Вen Li

It’s been a busy two months for Campus Security. Approximately $18,900 worth of property was pilfered from campus in April, up from $1,085 from March. "We had a projector theft on April 29 in Science Theatres valued at more than $9,000," said Campus Security Manager Lanny Fritz. "An alarm scared off an attempted projector theft… Continue reading Criminal mayhem

Bush sparks debate about Kyoto Accords

By Вen Li

Excuse me for sounding American, but pulling out of the Kyoto Accords in late March is the best thing President George W. Bush has done. The Accords, established in 1997 but never ratified by the United States for various political reasons, seek to reduce global emissions of greenhouse gases to five per cent below 1990… Continue reading Bush sparks debate about Kyoto Accords