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Bush sparks debate about Kyoto Accords

By Вen Li

So George W. Bush, the bumbling oilman, turned tail and ran from the Kyoto Accords. Just behind him were his big oil company amigos cheering him on. And who was left behind? Worried environmentalists, the European Union and developing nations.Countries agreed in the Kyoto Accord to reduce emissions to 95 per cent of 1990 levels… Continue reading Bush sparks debate about Kyoto Accords

Campus 5-0 stays put, again…

By Вen Li

Campus Security is going nowhere fast. Their planned April 1 relocation to MacEwan Students Centre is the latest in a string of expansion-related delays. "The schedule was not achieved," said Campus Planning Project Manager Robert Majamaa. "In terms of this being a fast-track construction project, we’re planning and moving as efficiently as we can." The… Continue reading Campus 5-0 stays put, again…

Raindrops on my head

By Вen Li

Campus Security officers took a leak in their office quite seriously last week. Water leaked from a pipe above the office, causing some fire-control electronics to fail. "Safety of the occupants really wasn’t in question," said Campus Security Manager Lanny Fritz. "If the [fire] alarm went off during that two hour period, it would still… Continue reading Raindrops on my head

Napster neutered, let the sharing begin

By Вen Li

Now that the courts have neutered Napster, approximately 100,000 song files specified by the recording industry will be blocked. Users have two choices: work around the filters by intentionally misspelling song titles, or abandon Napster for other Internet file-sharing services. Napster’s original appeal–free instant access to thousands of near-CD-quality songs–is largely lost because of the… Continue reading Napster neutered, let the sharing begin

Student services told to move

By Вen Li

Some student services want a little more input before they’re told they have to move. The Disabled Students’ Centre and International Students Centre relocation is necessary since Campus Security is scheduled to move to the southwest corner of MacEwan Students Centre. The DRC will most likely end up in the area facing the Renert Centre.… Continue reading Student services told to move

Free rides end for students

By Вen Li

Some students stranded by the transit strike are no longer eligible for taxi vouchers, according to the City. "It’s an issue of capacity," said City of Calgary General Manager of community and neighbourhood services Chris Branch. "The taxi industry in Calgary only has 1,200 cabs on the road at any given time. The reason that… Continue reading Free rides end for students