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Debunking Internet myths

By Вen Li

"It’s that time again! As many of you know, each year the Internet must be shut down for 24 hours in order to allow us to clean it. During that 24-hour period, five powerful Internet search engines situated around the world will search the Internet and delete any data that they find." Were it not… Continue reading Debunking Internet myths

Calgary Transit still off-track

By Вen Li

Twenty-five hundred new parking stalls are now available around the university to ease parking congestion brought on by the Calgary Transit strike. "We’ve gained access to the park and ride at the C-train parking lot at the Brentwood LRT station and beside McMahon Stadium," said University of Calgary Director of Ancillary Services Peter Fraser. "We’ve… Continue reading Calgary Transit still off-track

Usenet: Sex, hamsters and duct tape

By Вen Li

The collective wants you. Join Usenet, the largest information repository on the Internet. Every day, thousands of articles are posted on Usenet, short for Users’ Network. Since its inception in 1979-1980 at Duke University, an estimated terabyte (1012 bytes) or the equivalent of one billion pages of information and discussions have been generated in over… Continue reading Usenet: Sex, hamsters and duct tape

Useful Music

By Вen Li

John Joplin Group’s Useful Music is anything but. In a confused attempt to disguise teenage angst with lyrics containing words more than six letters long, the album disguises any true meaning. The instrumental side is tolerable and even enjoyable in some places up to and including "Trailways." However, reading material should be provided to get… Continue reading Useful Music

Get your free books here

By Вen Li

     "With mammals, the male appears to win the female much more through the law of battle than through the display of his charms." -Charles Darwin, 1871      Classic texts such as Darwin’s Descent of Man and modern works including Bruce Eckel’s Thinking in C++ are available in a variety of online libraries for free. Thanks to… Continue reading Get your free books here

Big ball of fun

By Вen Li

A big ball of elastic bands could help this year’s International Week theme: bringing people together with The Ties That Bind. "The Ties That Bind is a way of bringing different ideas, attitudes, and philosophies together from different countries, organizations and mindsets," said Maryan Nabavi, International Centre Program Assistant for International Development and Research. "I… Continue reading Big ball of fun

Free your mailbox from junk

By Вen Li

"Hot teens want to have sex with you!" "Lose 15 pounds in one hour!" These and similar phrases have become common e-mail subject lines since the first commercial spam was sent by a pair of lawyers in 1994. According to a European Commission study published in January, processing hundreds of millions of junk e-mails cost… Continue reading Free your mailbox from junk

Think before you swipe

By Вen Li

Don’t swipe that card.Every time you save 2.5 per cent by using your "frequent shopper card," you lose a bit of yourself to the marketdroids whose raison d’être is to scavenge every bit of information they can about you.Some might say that if the big chain bookstore knew about every book you’ve purchased, they would… Continue reading Think before you swipe