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Road expansion hits pothole

By Вen Li

Students from east Calgary may get to school faster once the city tears down a few minor obstacles. The widening of 16th Ave., a major student commuter route, will require the demolition of two businesses, a church and at least seven homes on the south side to accommodate two new lanes. Currently, rush-hour traffic cutting… Continue reading Road expansion hits pothole

Magnetic attraction

By Вen Li

A new 700-MHz Nuclear Magnet Resonance machine topped off a $3 million upgrade to the U of C’s Bio-NMR Centre on Wednesday. The magnet, engineered in Switzerland and insured for $2 million, will allow researchers to study solid samples. "It’s a much more powerful magnet than what we had," said Professor Hans Vogel. "It’s the… Continue reading Magnetic attraction

Mini News Stories

By Вen Li

Six hundred delegates representing 1.3 million Canadian post-secondary students will attend a national conference of student associations this summer. The U of C and Mount Royal College will host the conference at the Telus Convention Centre from June 7-12. "This conference is a first," said Students’ Union VP External Duncan Wojtaszek. "It made sense for… Continue reading Mini News Stories

Programmers come home to OOST

By Вen Li

A new Object Oriented Software Technology program promises to combat Canada’s shortage of information technology professionals. The program, offered at the University of Calgary, Saint Mary’s University and the University of Regina, will work with local IT companies to train much needed computer programmers. "Basically, we’re a program at the U of C in partnership… Continue reading Programmers come home to OOST

A new home for the Children’s Hospital

By Вen Li

The new Alberta Children’s hospital is a go, but not everyone approves of its location. The $200 million, 50,000 square-metre facility, to be located on West Campus, will be completed in 2005, and will provide opportunities for research and academic programs. But members of the University Heights community are concerned about the noise and traffic… Continue reading A new home for the Children’s Hospital

National day of remembrance

By Вen Li

Eleven years ago, gunfire echoed at l’École Polytechnique de Montréal when Marc Lepine killed 14 female students. The victims of the 1989 shootings were honoured at a Dec. 6 service at the Nickle Arts Museum. The ceremony was attended by over 200 people from the university and the community who gathered to remember the tragic… Continue reading National day of remembrance

Web time wasters

By Вen Li

Two simple buttons may make your life at the University of Calgary easier. The U of C’s homepage at www.ucalgary.ca received an update recently. The "Just for Students" and "Admission and Registration" buttons located in the navigation bar have been retired to make way for two new buttons entitled "Student Information" and "Prospective Students." The… Continue reading Web time wasters

Model UN almost victorious

By Вen Li

Not since the Treaty of Versailles had France been such a power, but the city of Philadelphia turned out to be a Waterloo of sorts. The University of Calgary Model UN team placed fourth for representing France at the University of Pennsylvania’s Model United Nations Conference last week. "We’re really excited about the number of… Continue reading Model UN almost victorious

How to vote 101

By Вen Li

It’s election time again. Are you among the 20 million registered voters? According to Elections Canada media contact Andrea Marantz, those registered will receive a personalized Voter Information Card in the mail. "By the end of [the] week, you should have received your VIC," said Marantz. "It will have the address and hours of the… Continue reading How to vote 101