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SU election announces candidate selection

By Chris Beauchamp

Nominations are closed on three of five Students’ Union executive positions in this year’s SU General Election.The presidential race is closed, with current Residence Students’ Association president Emily Wyatt squaring off against two-time SU vice-president events Alex Vyskocil, current operations and finance commissioner Andrew Lahey, and newcomer Mark Armstrong. The 2006 VP events position will… Continue reading SU election announces candidate selection

Music Interview: Knucklehead

By Kate Foote

Remembering yourself a decade ago is usually embarrassing. Let’s face it, the ‘Rachel’ haircut, Pauly Shore’s heyday and a beverage with gelatinous balls suspended in it are all things better forgotten. However, glossing over this era would also mean neglecting Green Day’s Dookie, Pulp Fiction, and a time when Saturday morning cartoons were actually worth… Continue reading Music Interview: Knucklehead

Consume less, jerk

By Chris Beauchamp

Tree huggers, hippies and the socially aware can spread the good word and pat each other on the back as Environmental Awareness Week comes to the University of Calgary. Organized as a joint project by the Students’ Union and the campus EcoClub, Enviropolluza 2005 will involve a number of events Sept. 26-29.“This will be the… Continue reading Consume less, jerk

Recruiting in Canada

By Rob South

Legendary coach Pat Summit clenched her thighs, bracing against the next contraction . "I am not leaving until I get an answer!" she proclaimed. Summit was in the middle of a recruiting visit, she had flown halfway across the country, nine months pregnant, to recruit this woman for her University of Tennessee Volunteers Basketball Team;… Continue reading Recruiting in Canada