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By John Leung

When I arrived in Australia last winter (or was it summer? The seasons are reversed down under), I never expected to get hooked on Australian Rules football. Of course, when Canadians and Americans think football we automatically think big men in padded armor tossing around an oblong, pigskin ball. In Australia, there are four types… Continue reading Football

Olympic shame

By John Leung

It has become a ritual once every four years where Canada grabs a set of her best athletes, slathers them in red-and-white regalia and drops them onto the biggest athletic stage in the world tied down with expectations of top rankings and medals. When the event ends, they are herded back into the deep-freeze of… Continue reading Olympic shame

Hold dear those you love

By John Leung

Reading the newspaper and watching the local news after the accidental death of Tyler Zeer, one must wonder what truly is in the hearts and minds of those he has left behind. The anguish his family, his relatives, and his fellow classmates at Bowness High School must be intolerable, and makes one wonder why death… Continue reading Hold dear those you love

Poor World Cup Finnish

By John Leung

What a tournament it has been! With NHL labour strife almost certain, this is the last we’ll see of our beloved hockey heroes for a while. Team Canada, with the gold from Salt Lake City in hand, has finally overcome the heartbreak of the previous World Cup final against the Americans in 1996. Now we’ve… Continue reading Poor World Cup Finnish

Sydney: City Down Under

By John Leung

It seems like only yesterday I stepped off the plane at Sydney’s Kingsford-Smith airport. Knowing nothing about the city, I vowed I would explore it to its fullest. What I found was a diverse city that is truly one of a kind. From Bondi on the Tasman coast to the suburb of Penrith at the… Continue reading Sydney: City Down Under

The bitterest defeat

By John Leung

SYDNEY-At the final buzzer, we watched and mourned. The Tampa Bay Lightning jumping off the bench, congratulating themselves for winning the 2004 Stanley Cup. Even as far as Sydney, Australia, Canadians were in mourning. As a nation, we mourn the loss of another chance to bring hockey’s holy grail home. With fellow ex-pat Calgarians, we… Continue reading The bitterest defeat

A letter from Sydney

By John Leung

It’s almost been a month since I left Calgary and arrived here in Sydney, and through that time it has been a complete roller coaster of emotions. At first, I was totally happy that I was leaving the terrible weather of Calgary for the tropical climate of Sydney. In this cosmopolitan and modern city, I… Continue reading A letter from Sydney


By John Leung

When someone says the word Australia, what comes to mind? The classics always come first: koalas, dingoes, kangaroos, Foster’s, Crocodile Dundee and the Crocodile Hunter. But what is the real Australia like, beyond all those stereotypes and symbols we’ve come to associate with Australians and their country?After what has been almost a year and a… Continue reading Going