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Another take on science

By John Leung

Do the social sciences deserve the word “science” connected to them? Critics argue no because of many flaws, yet they fail to make critical connections that prove otherwise. There are indeed many connections between the so-called natural sciences (biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, etc.) and the social sciences linking these two disciplines together. The Merriam-Webster definition… Continue reading Another take on science

Eat more lacrosse

By John Leung

When we talk about professional sports here in Calgary, the Flames and the Stamps almost immediately shoot to the front of the list. Some people might mention some other franchises that were once here or barely hanging on–the Cannons and the Storm for example–but one name that has grown on me has been the Roughnecks.… Continue reading Eat more lacrosse

Looking forward

By John Leung

Another year has gone by, fading into the annals of history. Looking back on the year that was, it was filled with many an up and down, many a cheer and a disappointment. It was a year that was black in its dreariness and brilliant in its successes (depending on what view one takes). So,… Continue reading Looking forward

Absolute value of optimism

By Tom O’Neill

Editor, the Gauntlet, Re: "Extreme optimism," Nov. 20, 2003, Reading this article almost made me sick. John Leung criticized optimism for being at the heart of poor exam writing, reduction of values in society and President Bush’s mess in Iraq. Unfortunately, these problems are not due to extreme optimism but rather a distorted perception of… Continue reading Absolute value of optimism

PSA perspectives

By John Leung

Last week, myself (along with some members of the Political Science Association) were fortuitous enough to have had the chance to billet a bunch of university students from Leiden in the Netherlands. In speaking with the Dutch students, I noticed something very fundamentally different between their European attitudes and our increasingly American attitudes.On the day… Continue reading PSA perspectives

Sim City (1989)

By John Leung

The quintessential city simulation game spawning simulations of all sorts (including dating, thanks to The Sims), Sim City started with humble DOS and Windows roots. With rudimentary 2-D graphics, square blocks as buildings and rudimentary roads and transit, it brought the world a first, albeit rudimentary, look into running a city. Later versions such as… Continue reading Sim City (1989)