Spun: Delhi 2 Dublin

By Tamara Cottle

During a time when musicians are taking too many self-indulgent liberties, Delhi 2 Dublin gives their listeners what they want with their latest LP. The Vancouver-based, multi-ethnic world fusion band has consistently produced a stellar album every year since 2008. Turn up the Stereo further refines the band’s unique sound — a mashup of Bhangra… Continue reading Spun: Delhi 2 Dublin

Spun: Mak

By Pauline Anunciacion

Hailing from Montreal, the five-person alternative rock band Mak showcase their 
Radiohead and Coldplay influenced sound in their nine track self-titled album, MAK. I was unable to fully appreciate this album, maybe because of my prolonged exposure to club music and indie pop. 
 Overall, the entirety of MAK seems to be disjointed, with bits… Continue reading Spun: Mak

Spun: Mantrakid

By Jordyn Marcellus

Recently my father has taken to harassing my sister, an electronic music enthusiast, with endless questions about her favourite genre. “What is this bass-step foot-dub stuff everyone is listening to? What makes this stuff, you know, good?” My sister scoffed and ignored him. This was a pretty effective way of avoiding my dad’s pestering, but… Continue reading Spun: Mantrakid

Spun: Yeasayer

By Dixon Blume

Yeasayer is a band known primarily for two things: solid singles and excellent live shows. This determination and energy has not translated to the studio, however, as previous albums strived to reach innovation and expressiveness, but fell short.
 Fragrant World unfortunately continues this trend. Yeasayer return to psychedelic synth-pop, with traceable influences from an array… Continue reading Spun: Yeasayer

Spun: Shout Out Out Out Out

By Taylor McKee

Shout Out Out Out Out is an Edmontonian group on a one-band mission to prove that a synthesizer can have a heart too. 
 Their third full-length album continues from Reintegration Time and the Juno-nominated Not Saying/Just Saying.
 With every new album, SOOO endeavour to complete the impossibly difficult task of capturing the sheer immensity… Continue reading Spun: Shout Out Out Out Out

Spun: Stalwart Sons

By Evangelos Lambrinoudis

Calgarian band Stalwart Sons ushers in the autumnal decline with their second album Stay Cold. Laden with the varnish of post-hardcore and ’90s screamo aesthetics, the self-proclaimed “Canadiana three piece” has abandoned their usual conventions to delve deeper into the realm of fast-paced, toe-tapping rock and roll. While the band’s first album, Burn Daylights Like… Continue reading Spun: Stalwart Sons

Spun: Hey Romeo

By Susan Anderson

Hey Romeo is an Albertan band that only recently had a lot of success, despite having been together since 2002. They won Group of the Year at the 2012 Canadian Country Music Awards for the second year in a row, beating out other great acts such as Doc Walker, Emerson Drive and High Valley. Twist… Continue reading Spun: Hey Romeo

Spun: Bonnaventure James

By Manal Sheikh

Bonnaventure James’s humble beginnings at a University of Lethbridge music class have morphed into something more sophisticated and infinitely more exciting. One of the newer electronica artists in the Calgary music scene, Bonnaventure James has independently released his first EP, Buena Aventura. It is a glorious tribute to electronica, with a marvellous concoction of dizzyingly… Continue reading Spun: Bonnaventure James

Spun: Peer Support

By Jesse Hunter

What is better than eating locally grown food? Listening to locally grown music. Peer Support is a self-described “five-piece melodic indie rock act from Calgary with influences as diverse as the city that they call home.” The tight-knit group has recently released their first self-titled EP, a three track album that feels like a deep… Continue reading Spun: Peer Support