CJSW Profile: Writer’s Block

By Andy Williams

Paul Kennett, Stephanie Weidmann and Stephanie Clark take to the air every Tuesday evening with a bag full of books and their brains. The trio run one of CJSW’s spoken word programs called Writer’s Block, a foray into the topsy-turvy world of literature. They train their astute eyes on local talent whenever possible, but also… Continue reading CJSW Profile: Writer’s Block

CJSW Profile: The AM Mixtape

By Andy Williams

Marc Affeld and Hayley Muir take to the CJSW airwaves at seven every Tuesday morning to provide listeners with a dose of their unique personalities. Their show, AM Mixtape, is an eclectic concoction of anything from mo-town to electronica. Gauntlet: What’s the overarching theme of the show? Hayley Muir: I could do three hours of… Continue reading CJSW Profile: The AM Mixtape