Love is blind, the law should be too

By Esther E. Steeves

Despite the theoretically secular nature of the Canadian government, religion has been thrust into the parliamentary theatre once again due to recent debates and court decisions on homosexual marriage. Constitutional liberties aside, giving spiritual leverage to any argument in this discussion is not only politically backward, it’s downright hypocritical. Christians have long played the tune… Continue reading Love is blind, the law should be too

Complacent Martin wrong man for Canada

By Esther E. Steeves

Progress. What would the world be like without it? A static society is likely impossible, but an examination of Canadian politics and the idea is a little too close to reality. Small things do change, like the Liberal Party (read: the only appealing party across the country and shoe-in for the next federal election) which… Continue reading Complacent Martin wrong man for Canada

Race for Prime Minister already over?

By Esther E. Steeves

Will Paul Martin be the next Prime Minister? Most Calgary news journals and programs would have you believe as much. Why bother inform the public of John Manley’s platform, or of the fast approaching PC leadership competition? Does anyone actually care to read about candidates that have no bearing on the country’s fate? February’s Liberal… Continue reading Race for Prime Minister already over?

Do SUVs fuel terrorism?

By Esther E. Steeves

According to an American protest group, driving an SUV fuels terrorism. Gas profits incurred by corrupt oil companies in the Middle East are used to blow up buildings, build secret weapons of mass destruction and pay Osama Bin Laden’s utility bills. SUVs consume more gas than most vehicles, therefore SUV drivers are mutually responsible for… Continue reading Do SUVs fuel terrorism?

Striving for last place

By Esther E. Steeves

Since my first year at the University of Calgary, I have become accustomed to the annual shock and outrage expressed by students and other Calgarians as the U of C’s reputation sinks lower and lower in Maclean’s annual ranking of Canadian universities. How anyone could possibly be shocked at the university’s poor standing is beyond… Continue reading Striving for last place

Outside the walls of academia

By Esther E. Steeves

College is a great place to flaunt one’s individuality. While a veritable breeding ground of liberal thinking and open-mindedness, it’s not surprising that unique personalities flourish or that inhibitions fail to hinder those who would elsewhere be shy. Here at the University of Calgary, it’s easy to make a statement and offer new–sometimes unconventional–ideas to… Continue reading Outside the walls of academia