Editorial: Canadian youth jilted in politics

By Gauntlet Editorial Board

The youth vote has traditionally been one with a low turnout. In America, they are aware of this, and during the presidential election both the Republicans and the Democrats are devoting part of their campaign to connecting with young voters. Typically defined as those 18–21, the ‘youth vote’ can also be anyone under 25. The… Continue reading Editorial: Canadian youth jilted in politics

Editorial: The War of 1812’s inferiority complex

By Gauntlet Editorial Board

Unlike the United States, Canada is a nation that gained its independence without a bloody revolution. This does not mean that Canada’s history is without violence. Many consider some of Canada’s defining moments to be on the battlefield. Vimy Ridge, the battle of the Somme and the Passchendaele battles are all examples of 
Canadian valour… Continue reading Editorial: The War of 1812’s inferiority complex