External race a real squeaker

By Вen Li

Fourty-four votes decided the battle for the Students’ Union Vice-President External title."I’m shocked it was so close," said runner-up Geoff Price after election results were announced late on Mon., March 18. "I didn’t do any campaigning on Monday; if I did maybe I could have swung 44 votes."VP External-elect Nick Vuckovic attributed his victory in… Continue reading External race a real squeaker

U-Pass passes

By Eric Fung

You passed the U-Pass.Students voted three to two in favour of the U-Pass, which will serve full-time University of Calgary undergrads starting September. For a mandatory $50 per session in 2002 and $56 per session in 2003, students will receive unrestricted access to Calgary Transit in the fall and winter sessions."The students said they wanted… Continue reading U-Pass passes

SU General Election results

Unofficial Election ResultsWinners: Nagra, Eneyedy, Vuckovic, Porco, Blaschuk, NUTV, CJSW, U-Pass VP Academic Nagra, Rosie1591 Semeniuk, Darby1479 Skitch, Dan826   VP Events Eneyedy, Irene1972 Overmann, Robert219 Schoenberg, Geoffrey275 Scheutt, Robbie499 Thorner, Ian1041   VP External Lee, J. H.526 Price, Geoff1704 Vuckovic, Nick1748   Senate Bladek, Oliver2174 Dalidowicz, Matt1528 Ho, Oliver2477   Board of Governors Porco,… Continue reading SU General Election results

Mo’ money fo’ media

By James Keller

In perhaps the least controversial races of this year’s election, CJSW and NUTV’s referendum questions passed giving both groups much needed student funding.NUTV’s levy increase of $0.50 per semester was approved 2,401 votes to 2,145, CJSW’s $1.00 per semester hike passed 2,626 to 1,954.“We had a good campaign team and we had a lot of… Continue reading Mo’ money fo’ media

Nagra wins Academic

By Вen Li

Civility marked most of the Students’ Union Vice-President Academic race and the announcement of the victor. Both SU VP Academic-elect Rosie Nagra and second-place finisher Darby Semeniuk spoke highly of each other after the results were announced on Mon., March 18."I really like Darby," said Nagra. "I feel really wrong about winning over him.""I think… Continue reading Nagra wins Academic

Students have spoken

By Вen Li

Students said it loud and clear: no, no, and no.Voters decided emphatically against both the Health and Dental Plan and Career Services levy increases in the Students’ Union General Election."I was surprised by the result," said SU Vice-President Operations and Finance Natasha Dhillon. "A lot of costs are being incurred on the health and dental… Continue reading Students have spoken

Working out the bugs

By James Keller

After computer glitches and amid some controversy, the Students’ Union General Election voting period was extended by a day.The extension accommodated an SU election bylaw stating that voting should take place Wednesday to Friday from at least 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.. When the voting system failed to start on Wed., March 13, six scheduled… Continue reading Working out the bugs

Fun and games

By James Keller

The most-contested race, surprisingly, had the largest winning margin.Current Students’ Union events commissioner Irene Enyedy took the Vice-president Events race with 1,972 votes, followed by fellow commisioner Ian Thorner with 1,041. Robert Overmann received 219 votes, Geoffrey Schoenberg 275 and second runner-up Robbie Schuett claimed 499.Enydedy was delighted with the results."I don’t think there’s words… Continue reading Fun and games

Clear decisions prevail

By Вen Li

Olivers Bladek and Ho dominated the Senate race, defeating perennial candidate Matt Dalidowicz and neither is taking the victory lightly."I will be taking proactive action to meet each of the other senators on a personal basis before the first meeting," said Ho. "[Oliver and I] will prepare for the first senate meeting by meeting personally… Continue reading Clear decisions prevail