Don’t expect much from Bill 11… yet

By Rob South

To many Albertans it appeared that the Klein government was deaf because anyone with hearing would have at least noticed the chants of "Kill the bill, kill the bill" coming from the steps of the legislature. To others, the government was doing what it always does, taking the necessary steps to make Alberta more prosperous… Continue reading Don’t expect much from Bill 11… yet

The valley of ash/When art is not art?/The end of editor Collin

By Collin Gallant

Something struck me last summer. I attended a lecture by Jello Biafra. The former leadman for punk rock innovators the Dead Kennedys turned advocate of social consciousness. He spoke to an assembled group of about 800 people that, frankly, would never matter.From their dress and deportment it was obvious they would get nowhere in this… Continue reading The valley of ash/When art is not art?/The end of editor Collin

Questions of the damned

By Collin Gallant

Shortly after Albert Einstein immigrated to the United States fleeing Germany, Hitler set about deriding his theories as wrong and the work of Jewry. A large panel of top Nazi scientists was assembled and began deconstructing his work. Again and again they lashed out, claiming his work shoddy, his theories impossible and his character deplorable.To… Continue reading Questions of the damned

Lament for the typewriter

By Editorial

There is no place in this world for a Renaissance man," I remarked as the dental hygienist shot deadly nanorays through my jaw."And what is it with these people and their weird obsession with my teeth?"The streaming muzak background only strengthened my argument: technology, once our friend, serves as the new master of unconscious alienation.I… Continue reading Lament for the typewriter

Prviacy e-nvasion

By Michael Leung

Get ready for an invasion of privacy, guerilla-style.I recently received a glossy note in the mail from e-Trends, inviting me to join their exclusive market research group. It reads, "As a participant, you will represent thousands of other Canadians in cutting-edge market research." It requires me to go to their site, download their software, and… Continue reading Prviacy e-nvasion

Do you have better things to do?

By Mary Chan

In the next couple of weeks, students on this fair campus will be inundated with one message: vote in the Students’ Union General Elections. "It’s important," the rhetoric will go. "It’s your democratic responsibility, your right to bitch."Less than 20 per cent of students will listen.As for the other 80 per cent, I can only… Continue reading Do you have better things to do?

Lets get a few things straight about… the Gauntlet

By Anne-Marie Bruzga

The Gauntlet has recently come under fire in regards to its journalistic practices. In the hopes of dispelling inaccuracies, here’s a few truths about the publication and what it represents:• We believe in presenting fair and balanced news stories. That said, we do not allow people who are involved with special interest groups or clubs… Continue reading Lets get a few things straight about… the Gauntlet