Just when you think your date couldn’t get any worse…

By Kelli Stevens

People drunk enough to throw up are relatively unselective when it comes to choosing a vomit venue. That’s nothing new. In fact, I’ve seen a number of interesting losing-your-lunch locales. The Saddledome, garbage cans in front of the old Fox, Rez bathrooms (of course), C-Trains, even Science Theatre water fountains. You’d think a living room… Continue reading Just when you think your date couldn’t get any worse…

Passing on seconds

By Kelli Stevens

Some readers may remember my recent advice about sampling a potential hook-up before you commit to bringing them home. It has, however, come to my attention that some people are too optimistic for this sampling process. A “glass is half full” attitude can have disastrous results. Take, for example, a third-year student named Shannon. She’d… Continue reading Passing on seconds