Do human rights stop at our border?

By Brian Low

Even if you don’t count Victoria’s untreated sewage, there has been a lot washing up on the British Columbia coast lately. Like boatload after leaky boatload of Chinese would-be immigrants. It’s beginning to become a bit of an issue.The problem isn’t that people want to come to Canada. The leaky boats aren’t so great, but… Continue reading Do human rights stop at our border?

Unions good, says reader

By Michael Kozak

Editors, the Gauntlet,Re: “Throw off…” Sept. 9, 1999I would like to address the claim that workers are “bullied” into joining unions. To begin with, a union must be certified by a majority of workers, all of whom not only have to believe in the union, but also resist intimidation and harassment from bosses, who are… Continue reading Unions good, says reader

Art is dead

By Mike Steiner

Putrefaction: n. Process or state of putrefying; decomposition. Alberta native Diana Thorneycroft, an artist-photographer currently working out of Winnipeg, has finally captured the "gloriousness of putrefaction", or so she says in a recent Calgary Herald article. With the help of a $15,000 grant from the Canada Council, she has managed to hang 12 dead rabbits… Continue reading Art is dead

Secrets of success and failure

By Jared Lorenz

April 16, 1999: possibly the largest orgy of unabashed debauchery in U of C history. BSD. Several thousand students consume an unfathomable amount of beer in an incredibly short time. People are sociable, involved, excited. There is electricity in the air. March 26, 1999: As many as 1,800 students are mobilized to fight tuition increases.… Continue reading Secrets of success and failure

Freezes only work with funding from the government

By Roxanne Shepherd

Editors, the Gauntlet,It was interesting to read your article regarding your high tuition costs. Our tuition costs have been frozen, and therefore so has the funding our institutions receive. I am attending UCC in Kamloops. They now have large waiting lists for a lot of their classes. English 110, which is a core English course… Continue reading Freezes only work with funding from the government

Burn Hollywood, Burn.

Something many readers may not realize is the Gauntlet is sent hundreds of rap CDs over the course of each year. Record companies send us many, many albums in the hopes of garnering a review. With only a few exceptions, all of them are crappy. One record we have not received is the new Public… Continue reading Burn Hollywood, Burn.

U of T, a drug company whore

By Michael Leung

September 23, 2014. Bullets scream through the air above. I’ve been in this putrid, rot-ridden hole for over three years, and things have only gotten worse. They have continuously weakened our lines; forward positions now mix with their fronts in a thousand places. These fronts are thus extremely dangerous; support to such places is ghastly… Continue reading U of T, a drug company whore

Pre-millennial attention

By Kevin Rothbauer

• Why must we qualify everything? As the turn of the millennium approaches, everyone is making lists: Best of the century, best of the millennium, et cetera. Naturally, this phenomenon passed over into sports. The Hockey News published its list of the 100 best NHL players ever. Major League Baseball and Mastercard combined to let fans… Continue reading Pre-millennial attention