Splitting heads

By Darren Friesen

The trials and tribulations of the University of Calgary men’s hockey team continue as they move one step closer to the end of the regular season. With only four games left, the Dinos have yet to display any signs of team consistency after a split last weekend at Father David Bauer Arena. Hosting the number… Continue reading Splitting heads

Friesen leaves Dinos, heads for Alberta

By Kris Kotarski

The University of Calgary’s football program suffered a blow Wed. Feb. 7 when Assistant Head Coach Jerry Friesen resigned to accept the Head Coach position at the University of Alberta. After four seasons in the Dinos organization, Friesen decided to pursue his dream of being in charge of a program. While Friesen was not available… Continue reading Friesen leaves Dinos, heads for Alberta

Volleysaurs feast on flightless foes

By Kris Kotarski

To keep their slim conference title hopes alive, the University of British Columbia women’s volleyball team needed to come to the Jack Simpson Gymnasium last weekend and take two games. It’s really too gosh-darn bad the Dinos got in the way. "It was awesome–totally awesome," said Dino standout Alisa Marriott after the home side swept… Continue reading Volleysaurs feast on flightless foes

Dinos poop all over T-Birds

By Randy Lewis

If the University of British Columbia Thunderbirds thought they could waltz into the Jack and intimidate the Dinos with their bright-yellow banana-like warmup outfits and their retro ’80s short shorts, they were sorely mistaken. The Dinos picked them apart, peeled them and devoured them, sweeping last weekend’s two-match series. They improved their regular season record… Continue reading Dinos poop all over T-Birds

Doan’s swan song

By Scott Lepp

Perhaps Chris Harris of the men’s basketball team said it best. "Leighann is really special; she’s so much more than just a phenomenal player. She leads by example, she has the respect of everyone on her team and the entire city of Calgary." The numbers that Leighann Doan garnered over the course of her career… Continue reading Doan’s swan song

Strategic speaking

By Kris Kotarski

According to a Venezuelan academic, military inßuence on government can challenge the democratic process. The keynote speaker at the University of Calgary Society for Military and Strategic Studies Conference, Dr. Domingo Irwin from the Venezuelan Instituto Pedagógico de Caracas, addressed his concerns with the strength and inßuence of the military in affairs of state. "We… Continue reading Strategic speaking

Model UN victorious

By Ruth Davenport

The Russians at the U of C could put Lenin to shame. Last week, the University of Calgary model UN team stormed off to Montréal to represent Russia at the eleventh annual McGill Model UN (McMUN) Assembly. The team stormed back Þve days later bearing the trademark blue helmet of victory, leaving decimated contingents from… Continue reading Model UN victorious

GSA voting to join “effective” lobby group

By Ruth Davenport

Graduate students at the University of Calgary are making powerful friends that undergraduate representatives aren’t so happy about. The University of Calgary Graduate Students’ Association will soon vote on whether or not to join the graduate arm of the CFS, the National Graduate Council. "The NGC is a national student lobby group that lobbies on… Continue reading GSA voting to join “effective” lobby group

Forecasting space weather

By Nathan Dyck

Keeping track of solar winds is as easy as predicting the weather in Calgary, according to a U of C researcher. "Forecasting space weather is in a similar state now to what forecasting earth-based weather was [like] 30 years ago… in other words, it’s hit and miss," said Faculty of Science researcher Dr. Andrew Yau.… Continue reading Forecasting space weather

Red-hot SU nominations

By Ruth Davenport

The nominations for next year’s Students’ Union opened Wednesday, Feb. 6. According to SU President Toby White, the chance to be a member of the SU is an opportunity no student should miss. "I deÞnitely encourage students to pick up packages and run for any position they’re interested in," said an enthused White, who went… Continue reading Red-hot SU nominations