The evolution of the written word

By Natalie Sit

There’s something wonderful about a book.When you hold a book by Plato or by Shakespeare, it’s like holding their thoughts in your hand. You can touch the pages and maybe, just maybe, feel like you’re somehow connected to them. Or maybe it’s a novel by your favourite author. The pages are dog-eared, notes run along… Continue reading The evolution of the written word

Teachin’ the issues and playin’ the music

By John Jacques

Last Saturday’s annual Rock Against Racism offered an eclectic mix of local acts, ranging from aboriginal MC Otachimow to punk headliner Field Day. The event also featured a second stage with more local talent and educational kiosks from local awareness groups such as show was basically two separate unrelated shows. The first was a… Continue reading Teachin’ the issues and playin’ the music

Fellows comfortably independent

By James Keller

While Christine Fellows’ style of music is by no means mainstream, she’s quite comfortable in her own, independent space–complete with a piano and violinist on the side."I want to stay independent," says Fellows, whose latest disc, The Last One Standing, was recently released by Six Shooter Records. "It’s just keeping a little more control."This control… Continue reading Fellows comfortably independent

The sad shame of The Hague

As the trial of Slobodan Milosevic unfolds inside The Hague, the true nature and purpose of the International Court of Justice is becoming painfully obvious. The court was created to uphold international laws with a global jurisdiction. As is apparent from the trial of the former President of Yugoslavia, the court utterly fails in this… Continue reading The sad shame of The Hague

Not a Gap fan

By Michael McWilliams

Editor, the Gauntlet,Re: "Cult of the anti-chic," Feb. 28, 2002,Kyle Young clearly needs to give his head a shake. To equate non-conformist, anti-establishment, activists with those who are hardcore Gap consumers is a travesty. More often than Young realizes, people who hold these beliefs hold them for good reasons, not just because the clothing style… Continue reading Not a Gap fan

Flawed democracy

By Kyle Young

It’s coming. Like a looming shadow, Calgary is beginning to sense the approach of something very much larger than itself, the Group of Eight summit. Soon our campus will be flooded by activists from all over the world in their globalized effort to halt globalization. We will bear witness to the violence of European anarchists,… Continue reading Flawed democracy