New policy research centre


The tentacles of increased research funding may soon spread further across campus. A proposal from Dean of Social Sciences, Dr. Stephen Randall, seeks to establish the University of Calgary Institute for Advanced Policy research.

The proposal, approved by the University of Calgary General Faculties Council on Thu., June 5, will be on the agenda of the Thu., June 20 Board of Governors meeting, the final step before the institute becomes a reality.

The institute’s mandate is "to enhance the quality of public policy research and knowledge of academics, individuals in political roles, senior civil servants, members of the business community, members of the voluntary and nonprofit sector, and media engaged in public policy issues."

Citing a lack of interdisciplinary policy think-tanks in Western Canada as well as a weak network of research-based think-tanks nationwide, Dr. Randall sees the institute as an opportunity to take the lead in Canadian public policy research and attract a larger number of graduate and undergraduate students to the U of C.

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