Spun: Beastie Boys

By Jon Roe

Since releasing their first full-length album, Licensed to Ill, in 1986, the Beastie Boys have been one of the most successful groups to blur the line between rock and rap. Their greatest hits disc, Solid Gold Hits, offers their hits through their illustrious career. Though it gives a good indication of why they became popular,… Continue reading Spun: Beastie Boys

Spun: Thrice

By Logan Niehaus

Invention doesn’t necessarily make a worthwhile album. Actually, a band’s attempts to be inventive often yield albums completely reliant on the quest for new, creating a exhaustive, messy monstrosity. There are exceptions: occasionally a band reinvents their sound, opening themselves up for something far greater than their previous heights. Punk music has a strange relationship… Continue reading Spun: Thrice

Spun: Nashville Pussy

By Trenton Shaw

It’s been almost 10 years since Nashville Pussy formed, but their music remains the same–ballsy, unabashed rock and roll sure to remind you what being white trash is all about. With songs like “Pussy Time,” “Going Down Swinging,” “Lazy White Boy,” and “Raisin’ Hell Again,” Get Some packs more than its fair share of white… Continue reading Spun: Nashville Pussy

Spun: Kate Bush

By Ben Hoffman

Scouted at the tender age of 16 with help from Pink Floyd’s David Gilmour, Kate Bush spent the next three years getting ready to slam into the British art-rock scene in 1978. Her first single, “Wuthering Heights,” quickly cemented her place in prog and was lauded for its intelligent themes and ethereal melodies.Bush continued to… Continue reading Spun: Kate Bush

Music Interview: Quirky brooders

By Nathan Atnikov

Quirkiness is at an all time premium in today’s music scene. Bands continue to experiment with stranger and stranger approaches to their music as everyone strives for a new and unusual sound, leading to some truly bizarre moves such as Elliott Brood’s choice of setting for the recording of their new album, Ambassador. “We recorded… Continue reading Music Interview: Quirky brooders

Book Review: The Making of a good biography

By Katherine Fletcher

Nearly 20 years after her death, Margaret Laurence remains an essential figure in Canadian literature. The award-winning author is best known for her Manawaka fiction, including The Stone Angel (1964) and The Diviners (1974). Establishing Laurence as one of Canada’s literary giants, these pieces received dramatic and cinematic treatment and are fixtures on high school… Continue reading Book Review: The Making of a good biography

Music Interview: My Greeley Estates space

By Kate Foote

Calgary doesn’t suck. Sure, it gets cold enough to freeze your tongue to a metal pole in the winter–as most Calgary natives can attest–and our redneck image is as aggravating as Stampede tourists. Still, despite being considered a cultural wasteland by many bands, some actually like our fair city and enjoy being here. Greeley Estates,… Continue reading Music Interview: My Greeley Estates space

SU View: Mark your calendar

By Jen Smith & Alex Vyskocil

December 8th–University of Calgary Board of Governors Tuition Decision Meeting The University of Calgary Board of Governors meet at 4:30 p.m. in the Blue Room of the Dining Centre. All students are encouraged to attend and to show their support against further tuition increases. Last February, Premier Ralph Klein told the province that a new… Continue reading SU View: Mark your calendar