In and Out

By RG Scherf

Since Rebel Without a Cause was released in 1955, films aimed at teens have been an extremely popular and profitable genre both within Hollywood and on the world stage. These films are fun and easy to digest, but their real box-office strength is playing to the empathies of millions of teenagers. Characters are created so… Continue reading In and Out

SU View: Mmm… Votes!

By Jen Smith

Canadians are in the midst of a federal election, with our final opportunity to vote fast approaching on Monday, January 23. Ways that the federal government affects university students include bankruptcy legislation on student loans, GST on textbooks, the Millennium Scholarship Foundation, and the registered education savings plans. Student lobby groups are calling for a… Continue reading SU View: Mmm… Votes!


By Jon Roe

Cats are dirty, dirty sluts. A cat out on its own is likely to have sex with every other cat it meets. With this unscrupulous amount of feline fornication come millions of kittens. “Everyone loves kittens, the world needs more kittens,” cry the people! Alas, this wish has already been fulfilled. In fact, there is… Continue reading Cat-a-clysm

Spam is people!

By Joel Klettke

Spam has once again rocket launched its annoying foot into my collection of heartfelt emails to Melissa O’Neil. But something has changed. In and amongst my usual plethora of “RX MEDS GUARANTEED TO LENGTHEN YOUR PENIS THREE FEET IN TWO HOURS!” and links to dozens of beautiful Japanese women who want to “Have fun good… Continue reading Spam is people!

No excuse for apathy

By Kenzie Love

Trudeaumania it ain’t, but if the sense of momentum currently surrounding Stephen Harper and the Conservatives holds until election day, it may inspire some previously apathetic Canadians to vote. Conversely, the prospect of a Conservative government may scare previously apathetic Canadians on the other side of the ideological spectrum into voting as well. Whatever the… Continue reading No excuse for apathy


By Patrick A. Bick

Editor, the Gauntlet,[Re: “Unintelligent Design” letter, Jan. 12, 2006.] Intelligent design is a Christian brainchild. Michael Behe believes God is the designer. Evidence against evolution is not evidence for ID, and it is not a matter of evolution vs. ID.Behe’s research is flawed. Behe sees an arch and assumes God made it because he doesn’t… Continue reading Religiousosity

He who’s shit slings furthest laughs last

By Gauntlet Editorial Board

Primates operate in a society close to that of human beings. In gorilla groups, there can only be one dominant silverback to guard and lead the entire group. When the dominant silverback is challenged by another male for leadership, there is often a struggle which can involve chest-beating, strutting, tearing up plants and shit slinging… Continue reading He who’s shit slings furthest laughs last

Top seven or so WTF situations of 2005

By Logan Neihaus

Don’t you ever just want to puke because you see something so bloody frustrating and ridiculous? Well, we did, about seven or eight times because of what we found. Well, there was 10, but space permitting you’re getting the pick of the litter. Seriously, you’ll never believe where we got this crap7: Martha Stewart Let’s… Continue reading Top seven or so WTF situations of 2005

Spun: We are Scientists

By Garth Paulson

Listening to We are Scientists’ debut album, With Love and Squalor, you can only feel sorry for them. It’s a good album but it’s sadly about three years too late to make any significant impact. The noble Scientists’ plight is a tragic one because they deserve better than they’re going to receive from Squalor. Unless… Continue reading Spun: We are Scientists