Undeniably, Jen Smith has strong convictions. Unfortunately, Smith has proven unable to put aside her strong beliefs to diplomatically compromise on problems between her and her commission, SU staff, university administration and even government officials. Earlier this year, Smith faced a barrage of charges from her SU colleagues for her inability to play nice with… Continue reading SU Report Card: VP external Jen Smith
Results for "Jen Smith"
SU Midterm Review: Jen Smith
By Gauntlet
As SU Vice-President External, Jen Smith is responsible for government lobbying, public relations, awareness campaigns and liasing with senior U of C administration on issues like tuition consultation. External duties are traditionally carried out in conjunction with the SU President, and this year the pair have accomplished much. Smith and current President Bryan West have… Continue reading SU Midterm Review: Jen Smith
VP External: Jen Smith
Jen Smith is a well-spoken, informed and experienced candidate for VP External. Her ideas are strong, well thoughtout, realistic and she has the gumption to fight for them. Smith displays an intimate knowledge of the lobbying avenues available to the VP External and has concrete plans on how to best utilize them. Her intentions to… Continue reading VP External: Jen Smith
Spun: Jen Militia
By Connor Smith
Jen Militia reaches into the bottomless gray gunny sack of hooks and fret-walking bass lines, pulling out an unexpectedly energetic eleven song sample. With an initial burst of revolutionary appeal that morphs into an entirely inoffensive display of lyrical prowess backed up by diverse and engaging riffs, the Militia come out ahead on everything musical,… Continue reading Spun: Jen Militia
SU’s Smith conquers CAUS
The University of Calgary has a prominent new voice on the provincial lobbying scene. Jen Smith, Students’ Union Vice-President External is the newly elected 2005-2006 Chair of the Council of Alberta University Students. “It feels good,” said Smith. “We haven’t had any executive positions on CAUS for about four years. You definitely have more influence… Continue reading SU’s Smith conquers CAUS
External seats up for grabs
Tempers flared this week as Students’ Union vice-president external Jen Smith lambasted candidate Mike Soron during the open question period of the SU external election forum. “I’m wondering if this kind of attendance will show what your performance will be like if elected vice-president external next year,” asked Smith, claiming Soron skipped several key events… Continue reading External seats up for grabs
SU View: SLC, SAA and SALs
By Jen Smith
All you students out there who aren’t elected officials are known as ‘students-at-large’, a.k.a. SAL’s.All undergraduate students at the University of Calgary are automatically members of the Students’ Union but few of you understand how the SU operates, or your power to influence it.The highest governing body of the Students’ Union is Students’ Legislative Council.… Continue reading SU View: SLC, SAA and SALs
SU View: Amazing PSE Opportunity
By Jen Smith
Public Interest Alberta is holding a conference on post-secondary education February 24th-26th in Edmonton. The conference will focus on the hottest issues currently facing post-secondary education in Alberta. Jeffery Simpson, the Globe and Mail’s national affairs columnist, and Peter MacMenamin, the Deputy General Secretary of the Teacher’s Union in Ireland, are both scheduled to be… Continue reading SU View: Amazing PSE Opportunity
SU View: Mmm… Votes!
By Jen Smith
Canadians are in the midst of a federal election, with our final opportunity to vote fast approaching on Monday, January 23. Ways that the federal government affects university students include bankruptcy legislation on student loans, GST on textbooks, the Millennium Scholarship Foundation, and the registered education savings plans. Student lobby groups are calling for a… Continue reading SU View: Mmm… Votes!
SU VP External in the hot seat
Students’ Union Vice-President External Jen Smith has come under fire from her fellow SU officials over allegations of poor conduct and damaging the reputation of the SU.The accusations emerged during question period in the Tue., Nov. 29 Students’ Legislative Council meeting, and revolved around Smith’s conduct during a Career Services luncheon involving human resource executives… Continue reading SU VP External in the hot seat