The debacle continues

By Ændrew Rininsland

The space in between Science B and the MacEwan Student Centre resembled a battleground this week as the University of Calgary’s Campus Pro-Life Club finally got to display their “Genocide Awareness Project” and were immediately set upon by hordes of really pissed-off people.On Mon., Mar. 27 and Tue., Mar. 28, cpl displayed their controversial exhibit… Continue reading The debacle continues

Fake News: Calgary Cats causing commotion

By Chuck Balls

Local thespians, flamboyant homosexuals and furries alike finally have a reason to celebrate as the seminal off-Broadway production, Cats the Musical, returns to our fair city next week for a highly anticipated run on nine shows. Though the run is paltry compared to the 8,949 shows the musical staged in London, many Calgarians are eagerly… Continue reading Fake News: Calgary Cats causing commotion

Nill enough for Dinos?

By Sean Nyilassy

After the Dinos football team’s head coach of 10 years, Tony Fasano, was let go in early January, a scramble to find a replacement began.By late February, that replacement had already been appointed. Blake Nill, an ex-Dino, will become the fifth head coach of the Dinos football team in 42 years.Nill first joined the Dinos… Continue reading Nill enough for Dinos?

Tyranny on the turf

By Jeoff Winkleberry

Although most Calgarians know as much about paddle-ball as six-year-olds do about their reproductive systems, our great prairie city managed to host the Canadian Paddle-ball National Extravaganza Mar. 13-23. For you unfamiliar saps, paddle-ball is played on a soccer-pitch-sized field with 19 players per side, curved, beachball-sized paddles, a ping-pong-sized ball, two goals and a… Continue reading Tyranny on the turf

Oval speed skater in a Klassen of her own

By Julie Bogle

Our Olympic Oval was buzzing Mar. 18-19 as the International Skating Union All-Round World Speed Skating Championship took place. There were crashes, disqualifications, cheering fans and new world records. Athletes panted in pain and savoured their victories. The international event saw the Dutch in a sea of orange while the Norwegians cheered with spontaneous ‘festive’… Continue reading Oval speed skater in a Klassen of her own

Uncommon talent at Commonwealth Games

By Sean Nyilassy

As we come down from the Olympic buzz, there are a few other events to keep us going until our blood boils with playoff hockey in April. Along with the Paralympics and various World Championships taking place, the XVIII Commonwealth Games run Mar. 15-26 in Melbourne, Australia. The games showcase some of the world’s best… Continue reading Uncommon talent at Commonwealth Games

The United States of Enron

By Greg Ellis

“America is the only nation in history which miraculously has gone directly from barbarism to degeneration without the usual interval of civilization.”-Georges Clemenceau Before the balloons drop on the next U.S. political convention the world we live in will have irrevocably changed. Not in a philosophical sense, not metaphysically, not in essence or recognition, but… Continue reading The United States of Enron

Stapp-atory Rape

By Jon Roe

Well I just heard the news today It seems my life is going to change When Scott Stapp, the former front man of the Christian rock band Creed, penned those words, he probably had no idea one day he’d wake up and find the video of him and Kid Rock having sex with four strippers.… Continue reading Stapp-atory Rape

New World Water

By Saidia Green

March 22 was World Water Day, and in case you missed out on the fun, it’s not too late to be aware of water issues. It is fitting that we are concerned with water issues every day, since we require water on a daily basis to survive. The theme of this year’s World Water Day… Continue reading New World Water