Letter: It’s in the brain

By Jennifer Usher

Editor, the Gauntlet, [Re: “Check your gear,” letter, Nov. 30, 2006] Sylvia Bertolini, who identifies as a former homosexual, makes the claim in her letter that no one is born “gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgendered or other.” Unfortunately, that is not true. While I cannot speak to the whole of the “transgender” spectrum, there is strong evidence that transsexualism… Continue reading Letter: It’s in the brain

Letter: Kudos on “The Muslim”

By Amir Sharar

Editor, the Gauntlet, [Re: “Muslim feature one-sided,” letter, Nov. 30, 2006] I began to read Robert Schmiel’s letter regarding Sarah Malik’s three-part feature on modern day Muslims with great interest. Okay, I made that part up, but I found nothing that would dispute her facts; rather his letter simply states that Malik’s article wasn’t written… Continue reading Letter: Kudos on “The Muslim”

A delicate balance

By Sarah Malik

In Muslim countries, most children are taught to read the Arabic Qur’an. In the villages, the madrassahs where Qur’an is taught are sometimes the only available venue for learning and literacy. In Pakistan, minorities are of such small number that they use Islamic greetings and phrases like Assalamu’alaiqum (peace be upon you) and Insha’allah (God… Continue reading A delicate balance

Letter: “The Muslim” Informative

By Dr. Allison Dube

Editor, the Gauntlet, [Re: “The Muslim,” Sarah Malik, Nov. 9, 16 and 23, 2006] I would like both to praise Sarah Malik’s series of articles on “The Muslim” and disagree strongly with professor Schmiel’s charge that they are “one-sided.” Ms. Malik’s articles have done a great job shedding light on two important themes if we… Continue reading Letter: “The Muslim” Informative

Editorial: Off the post

By Jon Roe

“Dion shoots… he scores! Stephane Dion scores to steal the Liberal leadership in overtime!” The federal Liberal leadership was decided over the past weekend and though no one was there to put words to the actions in an Ed Whalen-esque fashion, the event certainly felt more like a heated game seven Stanley Cup final than… Continue reading Editorial: Off the post

SU Reviews: SU VP operations and finance Cody Wagner, a.k.a the clown

By Emily Senger

Keeping everyone happy may look easy but it most certainly is not. Wagner must use all of his wit and resources to cater to diverse groups who all want to be entertained, or in his case, they just want money.The SU vice-president operations and finance holds the purse strings of the SU, though giant sack… Continue reading SU Reviews: SU VP operations and finance Cody Wagner, a.k.a the clown

SU Reviews: SU VP academic Shannon O’Connor, a.k.a the acrobat

By Chris Beauchamp

O‘Connor has to jump through hoops thrown from the U of C administration, student faculty representatives, four academic commissioners, and any student who feels slighted in the academic realm. O’Connor is pulling off these stunts well, using the safety net of SU staff to great effect.It’s more than a cliche to suggest VP academic Shannon… Continue reading SU Reviews: SU VP academic Shannon O’Connor, a.k.a the acrobat

SU Reviews: SU VP events Eric Jablonski, a.k.a the bearded lady

By Jon Roe

Jablonski brings people to events much like the bearded lady draws the crowds to his/her cage. As the SU vice-president events, Eric Jablonski has quite an enviable job. He books concert events for MacEwan Hall and the Ballroom, runs the show behind popular hang-outs like That Empty Space and organizes weekly, cheap entertainment for the… Continue reading SU Reviews: SU VP events Eric Jablonski, a.k.a the bearded lady

SU Reviews: SU VP external Julie Labonte, a.k.a the tight rope walker

By Katy Anderson

Labonte’s many projects mean she must balance herself very carefully to ensure she completes her goals, just as a tight rope walker leaves spectators breathlessly wondering if they can pull it off.As the Students’ Union VP external, Labonte is responsible for lobbying government, public relations and awareness campaigns. This includes working with post-secondary education lobby… Continue reading SU Reviews: SU VP external Julie Labonte, a.k.a the tight rope walker

SU Reviews: SU president Emily Wyatt, a.k.a the ringmaster

By Emily Senger

Wyatt provides direction to the SU clowns, but without the cooperation of the clowns and all the other behind-the-scenes circus performers, there would be no show.After two years of a Students’ Union with a largely external focus, SU president Emily Wyatt thought it was time to bring business back home and focus on the needs… Continue reading SU Reviews: SU president Emily Wyatt, a.k.a the ringmaster