We found 22 results for your search.

Nickleback, Curb

By Joanna Farley

Before Nickleback was famous they were still Nickleback. With the re-release of Curb, Nickleback’s first album, it’s obvious the Hanna boys haven’t strayed far from their original sound despite their more recent multi-platinum efforts. Curb’s sound is raw in comparison to Silver Side Up, with a very rusty-sounding Chad Krogger singing undistinguishable lyrics (could he… Continue reading Nickleback, Curb

Cricket in danger

By Joanna Farley

Riley Park has multiple uses. Kids splash in the wading pool, adults sunbathe and on Monday evenings and weekend afternoons, white-clad men flit across the pitch playing cricket. This activity may be in jeopardy."What was being proposed was a larger parks depot, but that’s a side issue," said Don Patrician of the Department of Programs… Continue reading Cricket in danger

G8 Road Show to hit University of Calgary

By Joanna Farley

Kananaskis Country will soon come alive with politicians, media and protestors as the G8 Summit rolls into town. To better inform the public of the issues, the Parkland Institute and the Alberta Council for Global Cooperation put together Talking G8: The Travelling Road Show, a globalization workshop to be held throughout Alberta.“The Travelling Road Show… Continue reading G8 Road Show to hit University of Calgary

University of Calgary teaches English online

By Joanna Farley

On Tue., May 14, Englishword.ca made its debut at the U of C. The University of Victoria brainchild combines resources of the U of C,UVic, and the Universities of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta to create the first online program for English as a Second Language students. "The idea was to bring together high quality English… Continue reading University of Calgary teaches English online

Custom, Fast

By Joanna Farley

Custom’s Fast shows some promise-for about a minute. Then the album degenerates into mindless, violent lyrics. Duane Lavold, the man behind Custom, follows the advice “if you scream and swear enough, no one will realize you have no talent.” A variety of elements, from electronic bleeps and whistles to full out rap, confuse the listener… Continue reading Custom, Fast

Reforming academia

By Joanna Farley

In the modern world of diverse education, there is one group demanding the right to open discussion and courses on their position in society. Though minority group focus courses are considered a sign of equality, this new group is the most privileged of them all-men.According to the American Men’s Studies Association of America Web site,… Continue reading Reforming academia

SU Election Forums

By Joanna Farley

He got in without a fight, but no one’s going to give him an easy ride.On Fri., March 8, newly acclaimed Students’ Union president-elect Matt Stambaugh took the floor at the presidential forum to explain his plan for next year.Not surprisingly, Stambaugh’s acclamation was a hot topic for debate.Current Events Commissioner and Senate candidate Oliver… Continue reading SU Election Forums

SU Election Forums

By Joanna Farley

Though the Vice-President Academic is one of the least frivolous positions in the Students’ Union, the candidates’ forum was an exercise in the bizarre.On Thu., March 7, three VP candidates and one of the four acclaimed commissioners showed up to be grilled on their qualifications for the job. Gavin Preston, acclaimed commissioner, took the hot… Continue reading SU Election Forums

SU Election Forums

By Joanna Farley

“I’ve been acclaimed VP Op-Fi, unfortunately.”Hopefully, Rob White was referring to the Students’ Union election process that allows for acclamations and not to the actual position of Vice-President Operations and Finance itself.The Op-Fi Candidates’ forum held on Tue., March 12 attracted a small but loud crowd eager to ask questions of the newly acclaimed VP-elect… Continue reading SU Election Forums

SU Election Forums

By Joanna Farley

There were no surprises at the Students’ Union External candidates’ forum.On Mon., March 7, two of the three Vice-President candidates and one of four acclaimed commissioners addressed a generous crowd, covering all the standard external issues from differential tuition to student representation to student loan reform."I don’t think students should be paying different amounts for… Continue reading SU Election Forums