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Music Interview: Making a Kinda Magic

By Leah Sasges

Flashback to 1992: a little girl sits silently in a movie theatre, quietly nibbling away at her kiddie combo. Garth and Wayne begin to sing along with a car stereo “I see a little silhouetto of a man/Scaramouche, scaramouche will you do the fandango?/Thunderbolts and lightning very very frightening me.” It’s like a chorus of… Continue reading Music Interview: Making a Kinda Magic

Lost and found solution still missing

By Leah Sasges

So you’ve lost your $500, limited edition, lucky squash racquet. It’s disappeared out of your sweaty little hands, literally, and after your panic attack, you regroup and decide to haul ass to the lost and found at Campus Security. Brilliant, only until you get there and discover that they only hold keys, wallets, purses, cell… Continue reading Lost and found solution still missing

Health and Dental Plan update

By Leah Sasges

Are you an undergraduate student reaping the glorious rewards of the Health and Dental Plan provided by the Students’ Union? Well, over the summer your insurance company, Great West Life Assurance was commandeered by Canada Life. Pirates you say? Where? What does this mean? We’ll… nothing really. Your coverage is exactly the same as before.… Continue reading Health and Dental Plan update

SU to make TV commercial for Provincial Election

By Leah Sasges

It’s been two months since we’ve emptied our piggy banks into the wide open pockets of the University of Calgary, and judging from the lineup for the $2.50 specials, aside from getting moderately delicious food for a low, low price, it looks like students are still reeling from the unnecessarily high fees. Have something to… Continue reading SU to make TV commercial for Provincial Election

SPUN: The Matches

By Leah Sasges

The Matches are like the other fake ska bands gracing the covers of Teen Beat right now. Their new album, E. Von Dahl Killed the Locals, is designed to make you feel like going to the mall and buying all of the band’s T-shirts, wrist bands and official hair gel. A medley of teen angst-ridden… Continue reading SPUN: The Matches

Riding Giant brings surfing to the people

By Leah Sasges

Anyone else pumped for snowboard season? You’ve waited all summer to ride up the chairlift on a bluebird powder day, catch a snowflake on your tongue and take that first blissful ride. There couldn’t be anything more glorious, but even before the birth of our tantalizing sport was another, the granddaddy of all board sports:… Continue reading Riding Giant brings surfing to the people

Finally, Canadian history in one delicious hour

By Leah Sasges

Think back. Do you remember anything on Canadian history from grade school social class? Me neither. Anything I ever learned about our history was from CBC’s beloved “Heritage Moments,” and even then I didn’t really pay much attention as it was just another commercial interrupting Degrassi Junior High. Enter Monster Theatre’s The Canada Show, currently… Continue reading Finally, Canadian history in one delicious hour

Cocktails and humping

By Leah Sasges

Late night cocktails gone awry? Hardly. It’s 2 a.m. and you and a few choice guests are arriving home from an exhausting night on the town. Ah, the infamous after party. Still pumped from the night and desperately wanting to keep the good times rolling, you grab a couple glasses, pour drinks all around, and… Continue reading Cocktails and humping

Terrified of Virginia Woolf?

By Leah Sasges

The lights dim and you are thrust into the intimacy of George and Martha’s living room. A little off kilter, it parallels the imperfection of this insult-hurling, drinking, violent and abusive middle-aged couple, effectively setting the scene for Alberta Theatre Projects’ production of Edward Albee’s Who’s Afraid Of Virginia Woolf? So why, you ask, should… Continue reading Terrified of Virginia Woolf?