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BUDGET HISTORY: Klein-opoly: a game the whole province can play

By Michael Jensen

Liberal Doses, opinion There were two notable items missing in Ralph Klein’s address to the citizens of Alberta. Every post-secondary student knows that Klein did not address the cuts to post-secondary education. Post-secondary students already obtained a promise of a review of the cuts from the premier. Klein’s address is symbolic of the Alberta political… Continue reading BUDGET HISTORY: Klein-opoly: a game the whole province can play

Implicit sexism in the Gauntlet

By Michael Jensen

Editors, the Gauntlet, Re: "The secret life of Nancy Betkowski," March 8, 2001 I was disturbed by the implicit sexism of Lawrence Bailey’s column on Nancy MacBeth. Bailey overlooked obvious facts. From his first campaign as mayor to today, Ralph Klein has jumped from being a populist NDP’er, to a Liberal (which he left being… Continue reading Implicit sexism in the Gauntlet

SU cowardly, says irate reader

By Michael Jensen

Editors, the Gauntlet,I am appalled and disgusted at the Students’ Union regarding the recent renovation of the SU office and the subsequent move to the clubs offices in old Mac Hall. This action by the SU is so indefensible to even their past supporters like myself that it seriously damages any credibility the organization has… Continue reading SU cowardly, says irate reader

Education critic Massey visits campus

By Rhia Perkins

The official opposition is on the student’s side–at least according to Alberta Liberal Party Education Critic Don Massey, who was at Speaker’s Corner on Tues., Feb. 8. The appearance, organized by the University of Calgary Liberal Association, was one of several appointments the Edmonton MLA had on campus that day. While on campus, Massey also… Continue reading Education critic Massey visits campus