We found 11 results for your search.

Letter: Seriously, stop it

By Carol Daugherty Rasnic

Editor, the Gauntlet, [Re: “Professor wins suit against U of C,” Darlene Seto, Sept. 28, 2006] I am a professor emerita of business law at Virginia Commonwealth University, and professor Peter Bowal has long been a respected colleague and friend of mine. He has brought much pride and many accolades to the University of Calgary,… Continue reading Letter: Seriously, stop it

Professor Wins Suit Against U of C

By Darlene Seto

It is an extraordinary situation for a faculty member to sue the university where they are an employee, as Haskayne School of Business professor Peter Bowal well knows. This past January, Bowal launched a lawsuit accusing the University of Calgary of wrongfully withholding salary and of a breach of contract as a consequence of ‘arbitrary… Continue reading Professor Wins Suit Against U of C

Professor sues U of C

By Darlene Seto

A prominent University of Calgary faculty member is taking legal action against the university. Haskayne School of Business Law professor Dr. Peter Bowal has filed a lawsuit accusing the university of wrongfully withholding his salary and for an abuse of trust and discretion, causing ‘incalculable personal hardship and torment.’ “I feel like a rape victim,”… Continue reading Professor sues U of C

Intelligent comments welcomed

By Peter Bowal

As we grow through the various stages of our physical and intellectual development, we are exposed to new levels of cognitive ability. Many will have heard about Bloom’s taxonomy. In 1956, this guy categorized abstraction levels of questions that commonly occur in educational settings. He proposed we could advance from knowledge, to comprehension, to application… Continue reading Intelligent comments welcomed

The bad apples of the student population

By Peter Bowal

For those of you who read this column, you’ve probably noticed one preachy theme throughout it. That message is to fit your university experience into your broader framework of life. I think professors have a responsibility to help you do that.For example, what you learn should be useful in life. It should engage you in… Continue reading The bad apples of the student population

Speak up in class, get a better education

By Peter Bowal

One of the most dreaded and discredited features of some upper-year courses is the "class participation" component. Almost no one, student or prof, has a consistently pleasing experience with it. Many students will avoid any section of a course that uses it. As someone who uses this form of student evaluation, I think it is… Continue reading Speak up in class, get a better education

Fun and friendly might not mean effective

By Peter Bowal

I am surprised by how many times the Safeway checkout cashier notices my university card in my shuffle to get control of the Club Card, AirMiles Card and credit card. Correctly sensing that I am well beyond my formal student days, the cashier will often volunteer what profs were good and which ones were not… Continue reading Fun and friendly might not mean effective

Employers asking for personal passwords

By Alexander Cheung

Have you ever wondered if your presence on Twitter or Facebook is affecting your job prospects? There are measures you can take to keep your personal information private on social media sites. However, some employers are taking their efforts to the next level to reveal what might be hiding behind your privacy controls. Several companies… Continue reading Employers asking for personal passwords

A year’s worth of news in review

By Natalie Vacha

Federal budget good for students A $3.2 billion government-spending package to create a “knowledge advantage,” was announced Tues., March 20, and included an additional $800 million in funding for post-secondary education. The package included increased funding to graduate programs, elimination of limits on education savings plans, millions in research money and support for international students.… Continue reading A year’s worth of news in review