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By Salimah Kassamali

Against BSD Bermuda Shorts Day: a celebration for the masses? More like a celebration for deluded, post-teen, first-year partiers — those who would rather drink their calories than eat them. For those who have never experienced BSD, consider yourself lucky. Imagine 10,000 rambunctious students partying in one area. Imagine a quarter of those people throwing… Continue reading BSD! BSD! BSD! BSD!

If figure skating were easy, it would be called hockey

By Salimah Kassamali

Canada will be sending 17 figure skaters to the Sochi Olympics. The team includes world senior men’s champion Patrick Chan and Olympic gold medalist dance pair skaters Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir. While these stars will shine bright in Sochi, they will also be outshined by Canada’s hockey stars who continue to steal the spotlight… Continue reading If figure skating were easy, it would be called hockey

Hopeful beginnings for Tanzanian diaspora

By Salimah Kassamali

Times are challenging for immigrants in Canada. Recent announcements indicate that it is becoming increasingly difficult to become a Canadian citizen. Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, Chris Alexander, discussed potential changes to citizenship in the National Post on Dec. 27, 2013. Changes being proposed include extending the three-year qualifying period for residency to obtain Canadian… Continue reading Hopeful beginnings for Tanzanian diaspora

Religious Discord

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By Salimah Kassamali

I typed “Islam” into the Google Images search engine. A display of violent images were shown: a cartoon of an assassin holding a knife under the words “stay quiet and you’ll be okay,” Adolf Hitler besides the quotation “I am fighting for the work of Allah,” and a fanatic running through a crowded narrow street… Continue reading Religious Discord

The challenges of controlling urban sprawl

By Salimah Kassamali

This article is the second half of an article written as part of the Gauntlet’s summer longform project. You can find the first half (a href=”http://www.thegauntlet.ca/story/calgary%E2%80%99s-urban-sprawl”>here. Stay tuned for design suggestions from U of C planning students. Three years ago, on October 18, 2010, Calgary Mayor Naheed Nenshi swept up 40 per cent of the… Continue reading The challenges of controlling urban sprawl

Film review: Revolution

By Salimah Kassamali

In his new documentary film, Revolution, Rob Stewart takes us on a deep-water dive into the Coral Sea surrounding Australia and Papua New Guinea and on a trek through the jungles of Madagascar to demonstrate the effects of Earth’s changing ecosystems. While he succeeds in capturing the vulnerability and beauty of our oceans and forests,… Continue reading Film review: Revolution