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Letter: A bunch of cheap bastards

By Heather Stoutenburg

Editor, the Gauntlet,In the Gauntlet’s latest drinking supplement, a reviewer casually references the “snotty smirk” worn by some waitresses in the city. I’d like to mention that if the server is smirking at the Gauntlet staff, it’s probably because you tip poorly. (Oh, and calling a “server” a “waitress” probably doesn’t help your case.)When broken… Continue reading Letter: A bunch of cheap bastards

KNES and MSC evacuated

By Chris Beauchamp

Den patrons, concert-goers at the Metric show and Gauntlet staff alike were evacuated from MacEwan Student Centre close to midnight Wed., Oct. 27. A chlorine leak linked to the Kinesiology Aquatic Centre brought numerous Calgary Emergency Medical Services vehicles, as well as Calgary Police, Fire Department, the Hazardous Materials Team and the Regional Decontamination Unit… Continue reading KNES and MSC evacuated

Built for speed

By Gauntlet Staff

Kyle Reboyna, fourth-year Geology student and one of the potential drivers of the University of Calgary Solar Car, takes a sun-powered zip around Parking Lot 10 in the prototype car. The student-built car will represent the U of C in The North American Solar Challenge running from Austin, Texas to Calgary, Jul. 17-27. For details… Continue reading Built for speed

The final President’s Challenge

By Gauntlet Staff

Shannon O’Connor had trouble finding student research opportunities. For proposing a central on-line clearinghouse of such opportunities on campus, O’Connor has become the latest and last President’s Challenge winner. “I contacted about 20 professors; most of them weren’t able to take on an undergraduate research student. They just didn’t have the funding or the opportunity… Continue reading The final President’s Challenge

Fall 2004 in Review

By Gauntlet Staff

AUGUST I’ll have some privatization with that Food services at the University of Calgary could soon be private. In early August, Student Academic Services held a series of student focus group sessions to obtain the input of student experiences with the quality of Campus Food Services. This survey included their experiences at Smash Hit Subs,… Continue reading Fall 2004 in Review

Eat My Sports: highlight reel substitute for the (barely) literate

By Gauntlet Staff

Wrestler bronzed at Worlds U of C Dinos wrestler Breanne Graham added to her medal collection at last week’s World University Wrestling Championships in Poland. Graham trumped competitors from China, Japan and Taiwan but lost to the eventual gold medallist, American grappler Marcie Van Dusen, in regular competition in the 59 kg division. In her… Continue reading Eat My Sports: highlight reel substitute for the (barely) literate

Web goodies!

By Gauntlet Staff

Students seeking more on-line enlightenment about this year’s election now have some more choices. In addition to the official platforms released on individual party sites, both the Canadian Alliance of Student Associations and the Canadian Federation of Students, Canada’s two national post-secondary education lobby groups, have set up web sites for Election 2004. CASA’s site,… Continue reading Web goodies!