We found 231 results for your search.

Ruminations on SU election endorsements

By Ryan Pike

Every year at roughly this time, eager prospective student politicians run around clamouring for support in the Students’ Union election. Every year the hallways are wallpapered with posters. Every year roughly nine out of 10 students summarily ignore the election and don’t vote. Nevertheless, the ones that are actively involved with the election pick up… Continue reading Ruminations on SU election endorsements

Simply shenanigans

By Emily Senger

The Western Business Games fiasco last weekend is the stuff journalists dream of. With 230 drunken business students roaring around the prestigious Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise wearing only g-strings, the headlines almost write themselves. It’s a journalist’s job to pick up on a good story and they did, successfully painting Haskayne students as foolish goons… Continue reading Simply shenanigans

President: Mark Armstrong

Each year there is at least one disenfranchised candidate who runs for SU president because he or she is pissed off at the way the university is run, and desperately wants to do something to make things better. Mark Armstrong is that candidate. After transferring from Mount Royal College, Armstrong said he feels the U… Continue reading President: Mark Armstrong

Brown bags

By Roman Cooney

Editor, the Gauntlet, [Re: October 13th editorial] As promised last spring, these [“brown bag lunch”] sessions were set up some time ago and Dr. Weingarten plans to have at least one a month for the rest of the academic year. While students are well represented in the major decision-making bodies on campus–The Board of Governors,… Continue reading Brown bags

Time and again

By Chris Palmer

Editor, the Gauntlet, I must express my concerns over the offensive and degrading photograph published in the Mar. 3 issue of the Gauntlet on page five. It is incomprehensible that this sexually explicit photograph would be considered appropriate by the editorial staff of this university paper. It speaks to the morally corrupt character and mindset… Continue reading Time and again

Uneven effects on departments feared

One day after it became widely circulated that the University of Calgary faces a cumulative four-year 20 per cent budget cut, it remains unknown how exactly each department will be affected. From the departments reached for comment Wed., Oct. 20, it is clear that not all areas of the university will be equally affected. Department… Continue reading Uneven effects on departments feared

Justified election results

By Keith Odell

Editor, the Gauntlet,Re: “Barski taking SU election to review board,” Mar. 4, 2004.Immaturity and complaining seem to be more prevalent than ever recently. The Barski’s Cabinet’s recent appeal of the SU election results is confirmation that Phil Barski was not an ideal SU president and the students voted the right way. Drawing up a frivolous… Continue reading Justified election results

The Panel

Lawrence Bailey, Editor-in-Chief: As a seasoned veteran on both sides of Students’ Union elections, Lawrence Bailey has witnessed six elections and was a candidate last year. Russ Dyck, staff writer and photographer: This is Russ Dyck’s first time on the Gauntlet Review panel. He brings both the voice of youth and an unjaded perspective to… Continue reading The Panel

Talking to protestors

By Kyle Young

Some sort of background should be provided to explain why I set out to test the waters of Protest culture. It begins with an amusing video, Protesting the protesters, put out by a group known as the Devil’s Advocate. The reporter in the video asked many poignant questions of the protestors at a New York… Continue reading Talking to protestors