Note to permanent visitors

There are many perils at University of Calgary besides the swamps and man-eating wallabies. This section will highlight tools and resources you can employ to successfully navigate the wilderness of U of C. It’s going to be a long four plus years.

Campus Lore: It’s all completely true

By James Keller

The history of the University of Calgary is laden with myths, stories, and urban legends. Some are seedy, some are funny, others just plain bizarre. And, as with anything odd on campus, many involve the inexplicably eerie behaviour of engineers. The engineering faculty seems a good place to start, giving birth to many pieces of… Continue reading Campus Lore: It’s all completely true

Academic Appeal is not appealing

By Вen Li

At the University of Calgary, there is but one academic justice system, with a bureaucratic system of layers which tends to confuse the appellant student. Fortunately, the regime lacked the creativity of some of its neighbors in designing its appeals system, and much of it is modeled on a simple pattern. For minor issues such… Continue reading Academic Appeal is not appealing

Health Services

By Kirstin Morrell

While some of the more obvious destinations at the University of Calgary involve classrooms and laboratories, that doesn’t make the role of University Health Services (MSC 370) any less vital. Keeping this bustling metropolis of students working efficiently are the doctors, chiropractors and massage therapists of Health Services. However, this is yet another part of… Continue reading Health Services

Slack like a butterfly, study like a bee

By Jeff Kubik

Like the yin and the yang, studying and slacking are two integral components of the same equation. On the one hand, while you’re intelligent enough to enter the wonderful world of post-secondary, you are by means intelligent enough to ignore your readings and drink your days away. On the other hand, you don’t want to… Continue reading Slack like a butterfly, study like a bee

The other type of clubbing

By John Leung

Clubs are a varied lot. On campus, clubs are divided into 10 “umbrella groups,” each representing general interest and academic types, ranging from Academic (most departments have a students’ association) to Interest (e.g. student wings of non-governmental organizations on campus) and Hobbies. During Clubs Week, held at the beginning of the Fall and Winter semesters,… Continue reading The other type of clubbing

The old standby: drinking

By Lawrence Bailey

Citizens of the University of Calgary are notorious drunks. We’re not talking belligerent, semi-humourous, Winston Churchill/Ralph Klein alcoholics here, they are full-fledged Hunter S. Thompsons. So buckle up kids, and prepare yourselves for some fear and loathing. There have been a number of battles in years past between the jovial revellers loosely referred to as… Continue reading The old standby: drinking

Dinos rule the Jack Simpson Gym

By Lawrence Bailey

Athletics and athletes at Canadian universities are wonderful things. They are also horribly misunderstood. Unlike the United States, where 60,000 people pack into stadiums and a top recruit can be a huge financial boon for the institution, Canadian student athletes aren’t gods about campus. One of the biggest reasons for this is tradition, most Canadian… Continue reading Dinos rule the Jack Simpson Gym