Last week, I was pleased to count myself among hundreds of proud graduates who walked the stage to shake the hand of Jack Perraton, the university chancellor. To cheers and applause, we the took our seats, replete with the satisfaction of a job well done. For myself and approximately 100 other kinesiology graduates, the plan… Continue reading Tainted glory
Tag: From The Editors
Anders’ ignorance
A Frenchman once said "Democracy is the name we give the people whenever we need them."Last month, the U of C alumni magazine the arch profiled Canadian Alliance MP Rob Anders as one of the top 35 graduates under 35 years of age. Last week, Anders tactfully demonstrated why they shouldn’t have when he called… Continue reading Anders’ ignorance
Proud Joe
In an era of plastic smiles and press agents, Joe Clark is one politician who has the balls to do what he feels and say what he thinks.Written off many times as washed up, out of touch, bland and nothing more than a burnt out career politician, Clark has more lives than a cat and… Continue reading Proud Joe
Mutiny in the Senate
By Andrew Ross
The left may have finally succeeded in thwarting the good intentions of George W. Bush’s administration.Turncoat Senator James Jeffords from Vermont, formerly of the Grand Old Party, is now sitting as an Independent and aligning himself with the Democrats. His departure does not come in time to block Dubya’s trillion-dollar tax cut, but it will… Continue reading Mutiny in the Senate
The new oppressors
As a nation, Israel has a victim complex. While history may support this, the physical and cultural destruction is now being carried out by Israel and not against it.When the state of Israel was formed, the Holocaust was a catalyst. However, Israel as we know it was the result of a nationalist movement dating back… Continue reading The new oppressors
Whistle when you’re low
When people ask why I moved to Alberta from Ontario I’m never quite sure. After four years of searching, I think I have the answer.Fearless Calgary-Fort MLA Wayne Cao, in a press release oozing warm ‘n’ fuzzies, recently announced his Private Member’s Resolution to create and legislate the Official Alberta Song in honour of Alberta’s… Continue reading Whistle when you’re low
100 years of complacency
At the turn of the last century, Pope Leo XIII appealed to the world’s population to start the "century of peace." His grand plea didn’t sound at all far fetched, as Europe (the civilized world) was at that time a peaceful continent, with no major wars on the horizon.The contentious issue of African and Asian… Continue reading 100 years of complacency
FTAA just around the corner
By Еvan Osentоn
It looks more and more like this decade (the ’00s?) will be one in which rampant globalization, unquestioned corporatization and unrestricted free trade will be discussed and–with any luck–denounced, just as slavery, fascism and leaded gasoline were denounced by generations past.There’s a new movement afoot, usually referred to (for simplicity’s sake) as anti-globalization. Ground zero… Continue reading FTAA just around the corner
Scholars’ disadvantage
By Cory Bass
The U of C feels it has a problem with the type of students currently attending the university and in an effort to bring in an increased number of academically-minded students, a program called Scholars’ Advantage was instituted. Any grade 11 student who receives average grades over 80 per cent in five appropriate courses is… Continue reading Scholars’ disadvantage
Bursting with beauty
By Craig Norman
The intro music sounds, a swirling globe appears and before you can say "tennis elbow," a buxom nude blonde is standing amidst a locker room full of equipment and jerseys discussing basketball scores and the no fair catch rule.Although this may appear highly unusual to most, it’s just another broadcast for Holly Weston, in the… Continue reading Bursting with beauty