Election farce

By Еvan Osentоn

I could have voted 10 times in the Students’ Union election. Did I? I’m not telling. But you should be aware that I–for that matter, any student–could have voted as many times as there are polling stations.If it’s Thursday or Friday when you read this, you still have the opportunity to vote 10 times. Am… Continue reading Election farce

Post-secondary left in the cold

By Natalie Sit

Something’s missing in our provincial election. Is it a dominant Tory agenda? Nope. Is it a lack of intelligent discussion? Maybe. Is it a lack of post-secondary issues? Of course.Let’s face it. A doe-eyed, precocious eight-year-old is more photogenic than a tired, jaded university student. It’s easier to sell the public an image of overcrowded… Continue reading Post-secondary left in the cold

Napster goes beddy-bye

By Dave Kenney

Somewhere Metallica drummer Lars Ulrich is chuckling and baring his cigarette-smoke-stained teeth with glee. He should be very thrash happy because the record industry has what it wants, and–more importantly–artists like Ulrich have inched closer to protecting their art.On Tues., Feb. 9, the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against the music-bartering, online entity Napster.… Continue reading Napster goes beddy-bye

Jimmy Olsen blues

By Jan Creaser

I wonder how many little boys feared they might wake up and realize that overnight they were transformed from puny runts in the throes of adolescence into tall, handsome and super-hero strong MEN, in capital letters. How many cowered in terror imagining their chests might suddenly bulge out of their hooded sweatshirts? Which ones dreaded… Continue reading Jimmy Olsen blues

USA in crisis

By Еvan Osentоn

Exciting news this week as both fringes of American politics prepare for the apocalypse. On the extreme right-wing, brand-spanking new president George W. Bush is wringing his hands as he awaits the result of the Miami Herald’s impending recount of tens of thousands of contentious Floridian votes. Thank extraordinarily liberal access- to-information laws in the… Continue reading USA in crisis