Letter: Beer, brats and Bach, study in Hamburg!

By Herbert Herwig

Editor, the Gauntlet, The University of Calgary recently signed an exciting student and faculty exchange with the Helmut-Schmidt University in Hamburg, Germany. HSU, an entirely civilian university with civilian professors, is the main education institution of the German armed forces (Bundeswehr). It offers BA, MA and PhD programs in traditional areas such as Arts, Engineering,… Continue reading Letter: Beer, brats and Bach, study in Hamburg!

Letter: Unfunny jokes are hurtful

By Joelle Robichaud

Editor, the Gauntlet, Sexist and racist jokes are still current and common in day-to-day life. Despite the many works that anti-racist activists and feminists have done to end the formal discrimination of peoples, the sexist and racist joke is seen as an innocent commentary on “facts.” This then trivializes and downplays the power structures underlining… Continue reading Letter: Unfunny jokes are hurtful

Letter: Prohibition bites

By Russell Barth

Editor, the Gauntlet, The main reason marijuana is still illegal is because the police want it that way [“Marijuana legalization at the public library,” Ændrew Rininsland, March 5]. Marijuana prohibition offers police all the leverage they need to harass the young, the poor, people of colour and people with non-regulation haircuts. They worry that ending… Continue reading Letter: Prohibition bites

Online Only – Letter: CPL VP responds

By Jacinda Larson

As [SU President Dalmy] Baez stated in her Feb. 26 2009 Gauntlet Opinion piece [“Letter from the SU prez: Why Campus Pro-Life was de-sanctioned”], Campus Pro-Life has recently been desanctioned by the Students’ Union; an organization designed to protect its students and ensure their rights are not violated. Well, Ms. Baez is the poster child… Continue reading Online Only – Letter: CPL VP responds

Letter: Response to the prez

By Cameron Wilson

Editor, the Gauntlet, In a recent article to the Gauntlet regarding the de-sanctioning of the club Campus Pro-Life [“Letter from the SU prez: Why Campus Pro-Life was de-sanctioned,” Feb. 26], SU president Dalmy Baez attempted to exculpate her organization for its actions. As this article gave false impressions which may mislead the student body, it… Continue reading Letter: Response to the prez

Online Only – Letter: BoG report

By Julie Bogle

The University of Calgary Board of Governors met last Thursday and the open session was enthralling. It was filled with pertinent university issues and a lively discussion about the creation of a new and very powerful BOG committee, the Human Resources and Governance Committee. I understand that BOG can seem boring at times, so I’ve… Continue reading Online Only – Letter: BoG report

Letter from the SU prez: Why Campus Pro-Life was de-sanctioned

By Dalmy Baez

The Campus Pro-Life club was recently de-sanctioned by the Students’ Union. As President of the Students’ Union I am writing to explain why. For the past few years Campus Pro-Life has run an event called the Genocide Awareness Project which features displays of aborted fetuses, victims of the Holocaust and the Rwandan genocide among other… Continue reading Letter from the SU prez: Why Campus Pro-Life was de-sanctioned

Online Only – Letter: CPL de-sanctioned

By Sandra Braun

Well, what to say [“Pro-lifers lose club status,” Katy Anderson, Feb. 12, 2009]? This is exactly why I moved away from Canada to attend university in the United States 20 years ago and why I continue to live here today as a dual citizen. I am saddened, but not surprised, that University of Calgary faces… Continue reading Online Only – Letter: CPL de-sanctioned