Clowns of death in Flux

By Daorcey Le Bray

There’s something special about laughing at the cutesy antics of a clown fishing for audience members who then changing gears to laugh at his decapitation.Mump and Smoot (Michael Kennard and John Turner, respectively) are masters of humour for the adult audience who remembers its inner child. In Flux, the Canadian clowns of horror take the… Continue reading Clowns of death in Flux

Finding a home in a theatre wasteland

By Natalie Sit

The concept of clowns going camping sounds very independent. However, actors Michael Kennard and John Turner, also known as Mump and Smoot, claim they are mainstream."We’ve been called mainstream for 12 years. All of that discussion is just discussion," explains Turner, who is disappointed that a story about Canadians with an off-Broadway show isn’t always… Continue reading Finding a home in a theatre wasteland