Plague strikes SU

By Heather Clitheroe

Woe to the students of MacEwan Hall, for the headless staircase has struck again! Yes, it was one of those nights, those frigid Calgary nights, where the frost nips at the genitals of the wanton prostitutes, and the fumble-fingered johns… yes, it was one of those nights.And though the students of MacEwan Hall were safely… Continue reading Plague strikes SU

Secrets of success and failure

By Jared Lorenz

April 16, 1999: possibly the largest orgy of unabashed debauchery in U of C history. BSD. Several thousand students consume an unfathomable amount of beer in an incredibly short time. People are sociable, involved, excited. There is electricity in the air. March 26, 1999: As many as 1,800 students are mobilized to fight tuition increases.… Continue reading Secrets of success and failure