It was a hard goodbye for six Students’ Union staff who won’t be coming back anytime soon. An event operations supervisor, two Den and Black Lounge managers, a kitchen staff member, the Student Union Volunteer Services manager and a loading dock shipper/receiver were let go recently. SU president Dalmy Baez said that the decision was… Continue reading Recession leads to campus job losses
Tag: Students’ Union
That Empty Space gets bigger, less empty
With an ever growing student population at University of Calgary, the Students’ Union plans to transform MacEwan Student Centre’s food court into a more spacious and modern-looking area by early September. According to SU operations and finance vice-president Alex Judd, the space, which is now next to That Empty Space, will include 200 seats, two… Continue reading That Empty Space gets bigger, less empty
SU representative locked out of office
For the past several months, dissent has been brewing in the Students’ Union small and maze-like office on the first floor of the MacEwan Student Centre. Communication and culture student representative Matt Bladek has lost all access to the office and use of SU resources, including a Den VIP sticker, for what he described as… Continue reading SU representative locked out of office
Tuition consultation getting sour
Early Friday morning, before many students are done brushing their teeth, the Board of Governors will come together to decide how much debt students will accumulate after four years of degree chasing. The board meets Friday at 8 a.m. to vote on the proposed 4.1 per cent tuition increase. The Students’ Union will oppose the… Continue reading Tuition consultation getting sour
$10,000 of quality money goes to Mac Hall kiosks
By Ryan Pike
The University of Calgary Students’ Union has taken a page out of Mount Royal College’s playbook in an effort to ease computing congestion on campus. Funded by a quality money initiative, the SU has installed a pair of computer kiosks in MacEwan Student Centre as part of a pilot project proposed by operations and finance… Continue reading $10,000 of quality money goes to Mac Hall kiosks
Another refugee student to get U of C funding
By Jordana Daum
The Refugee Student Program may just be one of the University of Calgary’s best kept secrets.The program, adopted by the university in 1986, is little known, but helps the university connect with refugee camps across the world. World University Services Canada links Canadian post-secondary institutions with students living in refugee camps. Students only need a… Continue reading Another refugee student to get U of C funding
Students want/fear Flying Spaghetti Monster
The Flying Spaghetti Monster has another hurdle to tackle in spreading his noodly appendage across the land. University of Calgary third-year chemical engineering student Jeremy Zhao approached the Students’ Union clubs committee with a proposal to start a Pastafarian Student Society last week and was denied. “To them it would be a parody religion, but… Continue reading Students want/fear Flying Spaghetti Monster
Students’ Union byelection winners and wieners
The Students’ Union annual byelection went by another year without any complications. The results weren’t all as expected, but a 15 per cent turn out, roughly four percent age points higher than the general election in February, implies that the student democratic process is picking up. “I was appointed before so I’ll pretty much continue… Continue reading Students’ Union byelection winners and wieners
No one left to point students in the right direction
University of Calgary students seeking advice might be in for a bit of a shock come midterm time. The university is currently without a students’ rights advisor. In the past, students who felt wronged by the university, academically or otherwise, could seek out the SRA for advice on their next course of action. According to… Continue reading No one left to point students in the right direction
Housing debate continues, slowly
While progress on affordable housing for students is as slow as any other university related project, it has not been forgotten. Provincial politicians met with Calgary officials and the Students’ Union on Monday to discuss different ways to increase affordable housing. Calgary-Currie Liberal MLA Dave Taylor met with others in a sparsely attended forum in… Continue reading Housing debate continues, slowly