SU View: Tuition talk with the Board of Governors

By Julie Bogle

As finals approach, I thought it would be only appropriate to provide a “Study Fact Sheet” about our strategy on Tuition Consultation. The Students’ Union at the University of Calgary opposes any increase in tuition. It is the responsibility of our government to support our province’s learners and supporting our post-secondary education system is an… Continue reading SU View: Tuition talk with the Board of Governors

SU View: It’s that time of year…

By Brittany Sargent

The end of the term is looming, stress is mounting, and deadlines are quickly approaching. At this time of year, university students understandably experience high levels stress and anxiety. Thankfully, the Students’ Union understands how you feel, and wishes to provide you with a brief respite from the your hectic life! Join us in the… Continue reading SU View: It’s that time of year…

SU View: Student research celebrated at Undergraduate Research Symposium

By Brittany Sargent

Our University is in many ways synonymous with research; we are consistently being told we are a “research intensive institute.” This may, at first, not appear to be a good thing for undergraduates, but taking a closer look, the benefits are many. Because of our heavy focus on research, many undergraduate students are engaged in… Continue reading SU View: Student research celebrated at Undergraduate Research Symposium

SU View: Upcoming SU By-Elections

By Gregory Pastirik

The leaves changing from a fresh, bright green to a crunchier yellow represents different things to different people. As the Students’ Union’s Chief Retuning Officer, the change of seasons serves as a reminder of the upcoming by-election to fill vacant student government position throughout the Students’ Union. This year’s by-election promises to be exciting as… Continue reading SU View: Upcoming SU By-Elections

SU View: Get set for Enviropolooza taking place March 12-16!

By Eric Jablonski

There’s a growing trend in Canada–environmental awareness. It wasn’t too long ago that environmental issues were seen as the responsibility of one or two “eco-friendly” clubs or advocacy organizations. But as the song goes–the times, they are changing. In recent years there has been a renewed national and global awareness on how we can all… Continue reading SU View: Get set for Enviropolooza taking place March 12-16!