Juliamai Giffen: A farewell to fifth-year Dinos

By Kris Kotarski

Playing fullback can be an adventure in any sport. In football, they’re a battering ram. In rugby, they’re reclusive outcasts. While playing soccer, Dinos captain Juliamai Giffen got to be an anthropologist. Giffen’s favourite memory as a Dino reaches back two years. It was the golden season for the Dinos: the national championship, Stephanie O’Neill’s… Continue reading Juliamai Giffen: A farewell to fifth-year Dinos

Swaggar, Balog and Schafer: A farewell to fifth-year Dinos

By Sarah Stall

The Dinos will surely miss three outstanding players: David Swaggar, Brock Balog and Ian Schafer. They are all one-of-a-kind contributors to the 2000 football team. All three noted many key experiences and skills that made the football team an important memory in their varsity sports experience. Balog, Schafer and Swaggar would all like to continue… Continue reading Swaggar, Balog and Schafer: A farewell to fifth-year Dinos