Fischerspooner, #1

By Dale Miller

This is the future of electronic music–or at least for the next couple of months.Some call it synthcore, some call it electroclash; it’s really just a reincarnation of electro, mashed with pop, vocals and really annoying sounds like pneumatic drills. This genre of rehashing was pretty much started by Fischerspooner with their hit song Emerge,… Continue reading Fischerspooner, #1

Ben Harper, Diamonds on the Inside

By Kevin Rothbauer

Nobody delivers like Ben Harper. By now, with the release of his fifth studio album–and first since 1999–Harper knows what his fans are expecting, and he surpasses everything they can imagine. Once more, Harper carefully but effortlessly pieces together blues, folk, rock, pop, funk, reggae and gospel, and infuses it all with his own brand… Continue reading Ben Harper, Diamonds on the Inside

New Gauntlet Editors

By Col. Ingus

Fearing regime change through force, the Gauntlet held its free and democratic elections on the first day of war in Iraq. “I will not leave the office!” screamed a triumphant Lawrence Bailey, who won the Editor-in-Chief election by one vote. “I will also tell my sons to stay put!”Other candidates were not so lucky.“I guess… Continue reading New Gauntlet Editors

Nursing dean found


University of Calgary Vice-President Academic Dr. Ronald Bond announced on Fri. Mar. 14 that the search for a Dean of Nursing has ended.Dr. Marlene Reimer, currently Associate Dean of Nursing (Research) will be Acting Dean of Nursing from April 1, 2003 to June 30, 2004. Dr. Reimer is the latest in a series of interim… Continue reading Nursing dean found

Intercultural dialogue

By Marti Webster

U of C Professor of Education Dr. Mathew Zachariah presented an educational, sometimes moving and humorous lecture on guidelines and challenges to intercultural dialogue at Memorial Park Library on Fri., Mar. 14 as part of the Living Research Series presented by the University of Calgary’s Cultural Diversity Institute.Zachariah suggested our false perceptions about faraway places… Continue reading Intercultural dialogue

Cool clothes come cheap

By Вen Li

Young people on tight budgets often sacrifice quality for price. At this institute of higher learning, it is not uncommon to see expensive brand-name everything give way to cheap sweat pants and stained t-shirts by the end of first year. Three U of C students hope to change this trend by providing the best of… Continue reading Cool clothes come cheap

Campus Security nabs locker thief

By Adriana Hunstad

In recent months, several day lockers located in the men’s locker room and basement hallway in Kinesiology have been broken into, with all contents removed. The items stolen included sports equipment, cellular phones, CD players and money, and were valued at $13,500. “After analyzing the circumstances and times of past offenses, officers were able to… Continue reading Campus Security nabs locker thief

Another voice in the darkness

By Matt Stambaugh

Re: “A Voice in the Darkness,” March 13, 2002. While I respect Mr. Li’s opinions and welcome debate on an issue as important as differential tuition, I find he underestimates the anti-differential sentiment on campus. Tony Blair has gone to war with only 35 per cent of his population supporting the attack. The differential tuition… Continue reading Another voice in the darkness

Good on the Gauntlet

By Wayne A. Holst

Re: “A Lesson to be learned,” March 13,2003. I have taught courses in mythology at the University of Calgary over the years. I have also written reviews of the first two installments of the Rings trilogy for various periodicals. So I had a special interest in the appearance of this article in the Gauntlet.I want… Continue reading Good on the Gauntlet