Music Interview: Marxists make millions on tour

By Rachel Betts-Wilmott

“On the way to Sudbury there’s a place called Iam Hair Design with a very ’80s person on the sign,” explains Luke Nuclear, leader of the Million Dollar Marxists upon his arrival in the Northern Ontario town for the first show of their tour. Imagine a woman in very graphic black and white with splashes… Continue reading Music Interview: Marxists make millions on tour

Show Preview: Brent Butt’s Gas goes live

By Adam White

Watching television these days can feel like a chore rather than entertainment. You turn on the TV, searching for something good to watch, and only find a lot of tribal councils, eliminations, and talent shows, all with little worth. Once in a while though, a show comes along single-handedly making the sift through the garbage… Continue reading Show Preview: Brent Butt’s Gas goes live

Theatre Review: Theatre Calgary works miracles

By Jason McKay

As Theatre Calgary’s new play The Miracle Worker starts, the only thing visible on the stage is a pump, as inescapable a symbol for water as it is for William Gibson’s influential play. Like adding fresh water to an already thriving plant, the cast of mostly new members to the always-reliable Theatre Calgary only makes… Continue reading Theatre Review: Theatre Calgary works miracles

Music Interview: Cursed aren’t cursed by success

By Kate Foote

Conquering the world has never been an easy task. While Caesar, Napoleon and Hitler all had some success, they were ultimately fruitless in their pursuit of global domination. Varying cultural differences often imposed difficulty even for such masterminds. Musically as well as politically, dominating diverse national niches can also be a daunting task. Although Cursed… Continue reading Music Interview: Cursed aren’t cursed by success

Film Review: Corpse Bride not quite dead on

By Chris McGeachy

Tim Burton’s Corpse Bride offers little surprise throughout the story of Victor van Dort and his socially-taboo marriage to the titular Corpse Bride, but manages to be entertaining anyway. The story is simple: Victor, voiced by Johnny Depp, finds himself staring death in the face when he accidentally betroths a corpse who subsequently comes to… Continue reading Film Review: Corpse Bride not quite dead on

Music Interview: The Terror of hardcore

By Kate Foote

In an age where anything retro is hip, meet California’s Terror. It’s a shame the word ‘hardcore’ has become so jaded Terror has to be called retro, but it fits. Terror is true, old-fashioned, punch-you-in-the-face, drenched-in-ethics hardcore in the vein of Madball and Agnostic Front. Nowadays, however, people toss the suffix ‘-core’ around like it’s… Continue reading Music Interview: The Terror of hardcore

Theatre Preview: Recklessly good theatre

By Kenzie Love

Coming off its most successful season yet, Calgary’s Mob Hit Productions hopes to improve even more with Reckless by Craig Lucas. The company, co-founded by a group of U of C theatre students five years ago, has a history of staging wacky productions, from Timothy Findley’s Elizabeth Rex–yes, you read that correctly–to Fully Committed, in… Continue reading Theatre Preview: Recklessly good theatre

Music Interview: Digging touring again

By Jason Paul

Ears ring, sweat drips and a crowd becomes so engulfed by what it is witnessing appearances become irrelevant. This feeling of euphoria – now strangely unfamiliar – is the cornerstone which made Chixdiggit the punk-rock institution it is today. Sadly, these pundits of the power chord have been on hiatus for the past five years,… Continue reading Music Interview: Digging touring again