Robbing the Ralphochaun horde

By Bryn Levy

The province of Alberta will see a massive budget surplus fueled by high oil prices. While this isn’t exactly news to anyone (as Alberta has posted surpluses for quite a while), what is different is the reaction we’re seeing from the rest of the country. Many are calling for the “redistribution” of Alberta’s resource revenue… Continue reading Robbing the Ralphochaun horde

The SUs new leaf greener

By Saidia Green

If you search the Students’ Union website and constitution, you are likely to come across little that addresses environmental issues. There is no Environmental Coordination Office of Students as at the University of Alberta, there is no UCGreen as at MacMaster University, nor is there an environmental office under one of our vice presidents, as… Continue reading The SUs new leaf greener

The meta-opinion

By Jeff Kubik

The Socratic method is founded on the belief that, together, we can understand our world through careful examination and thoughtful discourse. The only thing of which Socrates was certain, he said, was that he knew nothing. Unfortunately, thousands of years later, the bleeding hearts of the freshly minted student body continue to drown student papers… Continue reading The meta-opinion

Give peace studies a chance

By Rene Bodack

The University of Calgary Consortium for Peace Studies kicked off September this week with a number of events including hosting Calgary Mayor Dave Bronconnier for the International Day of Peace for the City of Calgary.Founded in May by academics from across a number of faculties, the consortium aims to foster peace research locally and around… Continue reading Give peace studies a chance