The drama dept. responds

By James Dugan

Editor, the Gauntlet,[Re: “Dastardly dreadful Dubnyk drags down drama,” Theatre Review, December 1, 2005] Kyle Francis’s review of The Libertine in the Gauntlet cannot be permitted to pass by without response, even though the best response to bad press is usually to ignore it. But this review is so distorted, it begs for a corrective.Well… Continue reading The drama dept. responds

Rolling Stones tumble rockily into old age

By Jon Roe

The Rolling Stones were announced as the half-time show for January’s Super Bowl, which with each passing incarnation becoming more like a big commercial than an actual sporting event. Everyone remembers the “wardrobe malfunction” of two years ago, and NFL officials are eager to avoid any controversy. The NFL has done well in choosing the… Continue reading Rolling Stones tumble rockily into old age

Point: Intelligent Design

By Mike Kelbert

Contrary to the opinions of the staunch Darwinists, intelligent design is a legitimate scientific theory. Intelligent design asserts the theory of evolution is fundamentally flawed in that it takes the small observed adaptations of individual species and grossly over extrapolates them into a theory of the development of all the diverse life on this planet.… Continue reading Point: Intelligent Design

I don’t believe in Santa Claus

By Gauntlet Editorial Board

Merry Christmas!” George Bailey calls out to a passerby, thankful a benevolent angel has shown him how miserable life would be for those he loved if he was never born. Rounding the street-corner and calling out more festive greetings to inanimate objects, the political correctness zealots descend on George, demanding that he change his tone,… Continue reading I don’t believe in Santa Claus

Microscopic discovery no small find

By Natalie Vacha

Move over endoplasmic reticulum, there’s a new cellular structure in town! Researchers at the University of Calgary have made a surprising discovery in the field of cellular biology–a previously undiscovered part of the cell called GW bodies.GW bodies play an important part in gene regulation and may influence how cells function. This discovery has big… Continue reading Microscopic discovery no small find

Students storm Parliament

By Topher Armand

With the federal election heating up, three University of Calgary students are putting themselves in the middle of the fire. Teale Phelps Bondaroff, Danielle Roberts, and Gus Gutoski are all running to become Canadian Members of Parliament in two different Calgary ridings.Bondaroff, the Students’ Union social science representative will represent the NDP in his first… Continue reading Students storm Parliament