Referendum on new student fee to be voted on at next SLC

By Riley Hill

Students’ Union executives and faculty representatives will vote at the next student legislative council on whether to hold a referendum on a new student fee that would be used to fund the re-development of MacHall. The cost of the new fee has not yet been made public, but SU president Raphael Jacob said it would… Continue reading Referendum on new student fee to be voted on at next SLC

Meditation and yoga the key to mindfulness

By Derek Luk

Part of being a student is learning to deal with everyday stress in a healthy manner. Constantly feeling frazzled is accepted as the norm in our culture. Life often seems rushed, and the desire for quick fixes can lead to the development of addictions, financial debt, over-reliance on medications, and other high-risk behaviours such as… Continue reading Meditation and yoga the key to mindfulness

Racial Halloween costumes a nasty trick

By Kate Jacobson

Every year, without fail, someone will decide that another person’s culture makes for an excellent Halloween costume. This year was no exception. The experience of ethnicity and culture cannot be painted on or purchased in a costume store. Belonging to such a group is an experience. Picking up a few shiny plastic trinkets, which often… Continue reading Racial Halloween costumes a nasty trick

Clobbering a national stream of culture

By Gauntlet Editorial Board

The future of Canada’s national public broadcaster is up in the air again as the Harper government attempts to choke the cash-strapped Canadian Broadcasting Corporation of its meager parliamentary funding. Conservatives from across the country debated the future of publicly-funded media at the 2013 Conservative convention in Calgary — and it doesn’t look good for… Continue reading Clobbering a national stream of culture

Inside the Conservative convention

By Michael Grondin

Prime Minister Stephen Harper spoke to over 3,000 Conservative followers at the national Conservative convention on Nov. 1 at the BMO Centre in Calgary. National media organizations were in attendance to hear the Prime Minister talk about Tory accomplishments and plans for the future of Canada. Harper spoke about new economic deals abroad, criticized his… Continue reading Inside the Conservative convention

U of C president up for review

By Diltaj Atwal

A Presidential Review Committee is currently underway to review Elizabeth Cannon’s performance as she seeks a second term as president of the University of Calgary. The committee has a mandate to review the performance of the president and make a recommendation to the Board of Governors as to whether she should be reappointed. “Representatives from… Continue reading U of C president up for review

Eco Club kicks off clothing drive for Buy Nothing Week

By Rachelle Reed

The University of Calgary Eco Club is hosting a Buy Nothing Week from Nov. 18–22. In conjunction, a Clothing Swap will be held in MacHall from Nov. 20–22. “The main goal of [Buy Nothing Week] is to raise awareness about consumerism,” said Eco Club president David Rivera. “This way we can make sure that the… Continue reading Eco Club kicks off clothing drive for Buy Nothing Week

Study shows a night out with the guys is good for health

By Ashton Chugh

A study recently released by Oxford University found that two guys’ nights a week helps men maintain optimal health. Oxford director of social and evolutionary neuroscience Robin Dunbar led the study. The specific health benefits include faster recovery times from sickness and higher overall levels of generosity. According to the study, men must physically meet… Continue reading Study shows a night out with the guys is good for health